10 Articles to Read Ahead of the World Humanitarian Summit

Right now the world is grappling with grave humanitarian crises – crises that demand deeper global attention and engagement. Next week, the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit will convene world leaders from across sectors to enhance the international response to humanitarian crises. A priority of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the World Humanitarian Summit is an important moment to reinvigorate solidarity and cooperation to prevent, prepare for, and respond to conflict and disaster. While there is a debate is some circles about the summit, there is no debate this is an important dialogue that must be elevated on the global agenda, and that we must strengthen our efforts to help the 125 million people in need. An important part of this is building more awareness and understanding on a global scale.

It benefits everyone to learn the facts and share perspectives on the reality and scope of this moment in history. Read more to learn for yourself:

Refugees and migrants: A crisis of solidarity
Ban Ki-moon | The Daily Star | May 10, 2016
Ban Ki-moon describes that if the world is to address its many pressing crises from climate change to the refugee situation, global citizens need to embrace greater solidarity for one another. He stresses that the current refugee and migrant situations in multiple parts of the world are not insurmountable, but that appropriately addressing them requires nations to coordinate action and build capacity.

Everything you need to know about the world humanitarian summit
Sam Jones | The Guardian | May 19, 2016
Jones provides a 101 guide on the World Humanitarian Summit. This is your one-stop-shop for what the summit is, why it is being held, what is on the agenda, and who is attending.

The World Humanitarian Summit: What to expect
Elizabeth Dickinson and Adva Saldinger | Devex | May 19, 2016
In this article, Dickinson and Saldinger set expectations for the World Humanitarian Summit and provide a survey of what outcomes global NGOs, international, organizations, and United Nations’ leaders are hoping for.

Why refugees should be seen as an investment, not a burden
Max Bearak | The Washington Post | May 18, 2016
Citing specific and in-depth reports, Bearak details how accepting refugees into a country has actually resulted in a nearly double return on investment in Europe, and while there may be large upfront costs, the GDP of countries accepting refugees is expected to rise, even under the most pessimistic data scenarios.

Q+A-Why reform the humanitarian system? Past, present U.N. aid chiefs discuss
Megan Rowling and Tom Esslemont | Trust.org | May 4, 2016
Ahead of the World Humanitarian Summit, the Thompson Reuters Foundation interviewed the head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Stephen O’Brien, and his predecessors Valerie Amos, John Holmes, and Jan Egeland on the changing face of humanitarian response.

Choose Humanity: Make the Impossible Choice Possible!
Herve Verhoosel | Inter Press Service | April 27, 2016
Verhoosel, summit spokesperson, explains the United Nations’ five priorities for the upcoming convening. He also expounds on why now is the time to create clear, actionable goals for change.

Africa: In Humanitarian Response, Business As Usual Is Not an Option
Jakaya Kikwete and Mukesh Kapila | AllAfrica | May 14, 2016
Jakaya Kikwete, former president of Tanzania, and Mukesh Kapila, special representative of the Aegis Trust for the prevention of crimes against humanity, call for increased resources to tackle humanitarian crises, such as the spread of Ebola, Zika, and other diseases. They emphasize the need to develop trust and strengthening international health services to help address public health emergencies.

The World Humanitarian Summit: A Preview
Kimberly Curtis | UN Dispatch | May 19, 2016
Curtis contextualizes the World Humanitarian Summit by providing perspective on the scale of the issues and the changing policy landscape. She also mentions new dynamics in the aid sphere and how the private sector is working to identify solutions and implement them.

NGOs say Istanbul humanitarian summit must deliver
Anadolu Agency | Daily Sabah | May 16, 2016
In this piece, published in Istanbul’s Daily Sabah, the NGO community stresses the importance of international efforts to support local action on humanitarian issues. Referencing statements from leading NGOs, the article echoes a common sentiment that the summit must set an agenda that will have real, strong deliverables.

Beyond Humanitarian Response: Why the Displaced Need Development Solutions
Cindy Huang and Cynthia Rathinasamy | Center for Global Development | May 13, 2016
By sharing data and emphasizing the scope of the issues, Huang and Rathinasamy explain financing behind ongoing humanitarian situations. They also discuss the nexus between humanitarian and development efforts.

The largest humanitarian crisis of our time demands deeper global attention and engagement. Monday’s launch of the World Humanitarian Summit ushers in a new period of solidarity and cooperation to prevent, prepare for, and respond to conflict and disaster. Amidst the debate about what this summit can and should achieve, one thing everyone can agree on is that the topic requires more awareness and understanding on a global scale. This selection of articles offers the opportunity to learn the facts and share perspectives during this challenging moment in history.

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