10 Inspiring Quotes from Climate Action 2016


Momentum continues to grow around the world for strong climate action. In 2015, world leaders reached a historic climate agreement in Paris. Last month, 175 leaders signed the agreement on Earth Day in New York, breaking a world record for the number of countries to sign an international agreement in one day. Now, as we move forward, multi-sector leaders have come together at Climate Action 2016 to discuss how we can capitalize on this momentum to set the world on a sustainable path.

Here are 10 quotes we hear at the first day of the Climate Action summit:

“Together we can build a world we want, a world we’re proud to leave our children and grandchildren.” – Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General

“Alone we can go quickly, but together we can go far.” –Ségolène  Royal, COP21 President

“We cannot afford to lose momentum because the climate challenge keeps growing.” – Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group

“When it comes to sustainable development…every country is a developing country.” – David Nabarro, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Climate Change

“This needs to be a just energy transition that is good. For all.” – Rachel Kyte, CEO of Sustainable Energy for All

“While the Paris Conference laid the foundation of a new and united world based on mutual trust, the aim of the Marrakech Conference is to cultivate this spirit of solidarity and confidence, well beyond the COP 22.” – Hakima El Haite, Morocco Minister Delegate in Charge of Environment

“We have all the knowledge and most of the tools to do it right…This is about governments taking the courageous decisions.” – H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, President of the UN General Assembly

“We see every time that there is a crisis, we can innovate.” – Hakima El Haite, Morocco Minister Delegate in Charge of Environment

“There’s not one of the global goals that isn’t touched by climate change.” – Jonathan Pershing, U.S. Department of State Special Envoy for Climate Change

“I’m very optimistic – we’re going to win this.” – Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States

Visit ClimateAction2016.org to watch day two of the summit.

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