3 Easy Ways to Make Your Voice Heard During Earth To Paris


This December, leaders from all over the Earth are coming to Paris to discuss climate change, and how we can deal with its effects. On December 7-8, Earth To Paris will bring together experts, advocates, and CEOs to discuss creative and impactful climate solutions and to inspire bold, meaningful action for people and the planet.

We want you to be part of the conversation! Check out these three easy ways to make your voice heard:

1) Host an Earth To Paris Watch Party. Sign up to host a “watch party” of the conference in your office, home, or campus to watch and engage virtually. The full program will be broadcast live on the Earth To Paris website in all six UN languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Chinese. So save the date, tell your networks, and be sure to join the conversation online and via Livestream by using the hashtag #EarthToParis.

2) Join the #EarthToParis Digital Surge. From December 6 – December 8, the Earth To Paris Coalition is taking to the internet to rally global voices on climate change. Joining is easy, just pick your favorite online platform and use it to discuss why climate action is important to you. We recommend hosting a Twitter chat, Google Hangout, writing a blog post or sharing a picture on Instagram. Want to host your own event? Email [email protected] to get on the official schedule.

3) Share your #EarthToParis message. Why is climate action important to you? Share your message with the global leaders in Paris by taking a picture with an #EarthToParis sign and sharing why you believe we need to act on climate now. Need inspiration? Check out other community responses here.

A problem this big is going to take all of us. Add your voice to make this climate change conference the event that rocked (and saved) the world.

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