Post-Vacation Productivity - 5 Effective Tactics for a Smooth Return - a professional working at their desk surrounded by vacation photos.

5 Effective Tips for a Smooth Return :

Publié le 14 December 2023 Par Matt Dodge

Enjoy your vacation and arrive back at work ready to perform at your best with 5 effective tips for a smooth return.

Does returning from vacation guarantee increased productivity?

Not necessarily. 

A vacation is a much-deserved break that allows for recharging and relaxation. It is important to have time away from the workplace, as it is all part of having a proper work/life balance. However, returning to work after a vacation can be a challenge as it may take a bit of time for the familiar habits to return.

Luckily, HR managers have several effective strategies at its disposal to ensure employees return smoothly and regain their productivity. In this article, we’ll delve into the challenges that often hinder post-vacation productivity and provide study-based insights into how to help employees get back on track by utilizing 5 effective tips for a smooth return.

Do you want to learn how to effectively combat post-vacation blues?

Post-Vacation Productivity Challenges

HR professionals are well-versed in the challenges employees encounter in their daily work routines. Some of these struggles are common, such as overwork and a need for improved communication. However, their post-vacation struggles are vastly different. At the same time, according to a Passport-Photo.Online survey, more than half of employees (57%) have considered quitting their jobs after a break. 

This underscores the importance of addressing post-vacation challenges to ensure employee productivity, job satisfaction, and retention.

So, what does the study tell us?

The most commonly experienced symptoms after an extended break include a lack of motivation (27%), feelings of sadness (21%), and wanderlust (21%). 

When it comes to workplace-related challenges after a vacation, U.S. workers grapple with issues like reduced concentration (40%), increased tardiness or absences (30%), and lower job satisfaction (29%).

Armed with knowledge about these common symptoms, HR teams are able to take preventive action.

5 Effective Tips for a Smooth Return

If you were a manager aiming to excel in post-vacation retention, what would you do differently? 

Below, you can find five study-based strategies to tackle this challenge.

1. Flexible Working Hours

Survey participants were asked about changes they’d like to see in their organization’s policies to ease the post-vacation transition. Nearly half (48%) expressed a desire for flexible working hours, such as starting late or leaving early, during the initial days back at work. 

The reason? 

This need for flexibility stems from the adjustment from the freedom of vacation schedules to the rigidity of workplace routines. Returning to the grind of work and regular responsibilities may be jarring.

The solution?

Offering flexible working hours for the first few days can help employees ease back into their roles at their own pace. Increased flexibility has become a common expectation for employees in multiple industries, especially with hybrid working arrangements. Trying different working arrangements can help keep employees satisfied and engaged.

2. “Grace Period” for Project Deadlines

Are you curious about the second most desired benefit?

It was a “grace period” for project deadlines, with 40% of respondents in favor. 

Returning from a serene vacation directly into a whirlwind of urgent tasks and short deadlines can be overwhelming. It can lead not only to stress but also to negative associations with returning to work.

By providing your employees with this “grace period” for returns, where deadlines can be a bit more flexible, you can lessen the immediate pressure upon their return.

3. Remote Work Option

Among the top of most wanted upon returning benefits, we can also find…


…a remote work option.

Indeed, 34% of employees expressed a desire to work from home for the first few days after their vacation.

Research from Stanford involving 16,000 workers over nine months found that remote work increased productivity by 13%. Moreover, the Owl Labs State of Remote Work 2022 report shows that working remotely increases happiness, improves work-life balance, and lowers stress.

Given these findings, providing remote work can be an effective strategy for assisting employees in regaining productivity and managing work catch-up.

4. Tips for Improving Concentration

The study identified concentration as one of the primary post-vacation challenges, affecting 40% of employees. HR teams can support employees in overcoming this challenge. One of the solutions is providing concentration training and introducing focus techniques.

Here are some concentration tips:

  • Avoid multitasking. It hampers focus. Encourage employees to prioritize one task at a time.
  • Promote mindfulness practices to help employees immerse themselves in the present moment, manage stress, and enhance their focus.
  • Schedule dedicated “focus time” in their calendars, allowing them to turn off notifications and focus solely on their tasks.

Implementing these techniques can assist employees in gradually adjusting to the workplace and improving their concentration. It requires the rest of the workplace to work together to create a supportive atmosphere that is free of unnecessary distractions.

5. Maintaining Vacation Routines

Can you guess what employees often do to transition back to everyday life after a vacation? 

The top choice is practicing mindfulness techniques, likely linked to concentration challenges and the desire to stay present.

However, the second most popular choice is maintaining certain vacation habits, which has a more significant impact. Actually, it helps our minds associate certain moments with vacation vibes and serves as a mood booster.

As a manager, you can encourage your team members to embrace this practice. When they return from vacation, inquire about their favorite moments and habits and suggest they continue them. This can help them transition back to work more smoothly. If they enjoyed having time to read while on vacation, for instance, you can encourage them to devote a few minutes a day to continue reading a great book. 

Final Thoughts

Enhancing employee productivity is a challenging endeavor. Employees face various productivity-hindering issues, from personal matters to external factors. Thanks to these 5 effective tips for a smooth return after a vacation, you are now equipped to tackle at least one of these situations and boost your post-vacation productivity. Hopefully, these strategies will be beneficial to your efforts.

Would you try these strategies in practice?

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