500 Days to Build #MDGmomentum

I’m not sure what’s on your calendar for August 18, but it’s an important day for so many people who are working to build a better world.

Why? On August 18, there will be only 500 days left until the target date to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs are the world’s “to-do list” to alleviate poverty and improve millions of lives.

The world embraced these eight goals at the United Nations in 2000 and agreed to work together to make progress on some of the most important global issues: health, education, water, sanitation, poverty, the environment, and more.

So are they working? The answer is yes. Extreme poverty has been cut in half; millions of additional girls are now in school; and child deaths have been significantly reduced.

Is there more work to do? Absolutely. While we’ve made progress, it’s clear we have more work ahead of us to meet these global challenges.
How can you be a part of the MDGs? Go to MDG500.org, join the conversation using hashtag #MDGmomentum, and let world leaders and your social networks know that the MDGs matter to you.

Throughout the day on August 18, there will be a whole lot of conversation going on about the MDGs and how we can drive change. Advocates, experts, and global leaders like UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will highlight the progress we’ve made through the MDGs and push to keep the momentum going.

The whole day will be filled with Twitter chats, Google+ Hangouts, and other digital events hosted by organizations and people who work around the world. You can schedule for the day at MDG500.org/schedule.

Use the hashtag #MDGmomentum, and raise your voice so we can make sure the MDGs remain a priority in the global agenda.

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