70 Years of the United Nations: Celebrate UN Day


Tomorrow the United Nations officially celebrates 70 years of promoting peace and progress around the world. It’s a special moment for people everywhere to show their support for the vital work of the UN and to rally around the new global goals for sustainable development.

Join the worldwide celebration by sharing a photo of the UN’s critical efforts for #UN70. You can also view images of iconic landmarks around the world that are being lit blue in honor of the UN’s 70th anniversary by following #UNBlue on social media.

Today we look back at all the ways the UN has helped make the world a better place since 1945 – promoting peace and human rights, responding to humanitarian crises, improving global health, empowering girls and women, and more.

In 70 years, the UN has already made a difference in billions of lives – and with our current global challenges, it’s clear that its work is more important than ever.

Over the next 15 years, we have unprecedented opportunities to tackle climate change, eradicate poverty and hunger, and set a course for sustainable development, but everyone has to play a role.

World leaders, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and citizens from all over the world will need to work hand-in-hand to solve our biggest problems, and only the UN has the reach and vision to bring them together.

The UN is a one-of-a-kind platform that makes historic change possible – and the 70th anniversary is a special chance to show that we stand in support.

As we take steps to realize the new global goals – starting with a major international climate conference in Paris this December – this anniversary is an important moment to affirm our support for the UN’s work on behalf of people and the planet.

Happy UN Day, and thanks for all you do to help the UN make a difference!

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