Coming Together for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund

We’re all navigating new realities brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Every single one of us.

Communities all over the world have been affected, and people are adapting in different ways: Self-quarantining, social distancing, teleworking, homeschooling. Perhaps you’re reading this by yourself right now.

In whatever way you might be coping, know that you are not alone. We’re in this fight together.

That’s certainly what we’ve seen — and have been inspired by — in the week since we launched the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund together with our partner, the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation.

The fund’s purpose? To support the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

This fund is the first of its kind — it’s the only way for individuals, businesses, and philanthropies to help fight this virus on a global scale.

In the fund’s first week alone, more than 175,000 people and companies from all over the world and all walks of life have come together and committed more than $65 million to this critical effort.

How is the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund helping on the ground?

The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund supports WHO’s leadership fighting this pandemic on a global scale. Right now the agency is coordinating efforts among nations and ensuring that all countries are able to prevent, detect, and respond to this virus — especially where the needs are greatest.

Since early March, WHO has shipped personal protective equipment to 57 countries; additional shipments to another 28 countries are already underway. WHO has also helped transport lab supplies to 120 countries, which will be critical to establishing testing capacity, even in places where health systems may be weak.

In addition to equipping frontline workers, WHO experts are also helping the global community track and understand this new virus, as well as accelerate efforts to develop a lifesaving vaccine and treatments.

Donations to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund support this vital work — and every dollar counts. And, as the situation evolves, the funding needs will too.

An outpouring of support from around the world

In response to an outpouring of generosity from people across the planet, major U.S. companies have joined us to support the fund, including Facebook, which announced a $10 million matching campaign and Google, which will double-match donations up to $5 million.

Some of the planet’s biggest organizations and celebrities have also stepped up to support the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, including Rihanna, Rita Ora, and FIFA, world soccer’s governing body.

What this crisis has made all too clear is that diseases don’t respect borders. We can only solve this crisis if we act together and form a united front.

This kind of collective drive to help has already inspired hundreds of thousands of individuals to contribute to the Fund since it’s launch last Friday. And many are finding creative ways to get others involved (while practicing good social distancing from their homes).

Here are some of our favorites so far:

This show of support reminds us that when we act together, change happens. To everyone who has contributed already: Thank you for your generosity and your solidarity.

donate today

Every donation makes a difference. Support WHO’s life-saving efforts to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by giving to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. Donations made via Facebook will be matched up to $10,000,000. Through April 30, 2020, for every $1 you donate here, will donate $2, up to $5,000,000.

Donate to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund


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