We have a decade to deliver for people and for planet: What will YOU do?

Here at the UN Foundation, we love to showcase such stories of people we call Protectors of Progress . They are doing what they can to address poverty, inequality, and the climate crisis in their own way and in their own communities. Together, they are driving progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We need many more like them. We all need to become Protectors of Progress. Five years into the SDGs’ 15-year timeline, we have made some progress, but it’s nowhere near enough to deliver on the promises made by all nations in 2015. And new challenges are emerging.

If we don’t change course, by 2030, nearly 500 million people will remain in poverty, millions of children will still die from preventable diseases, women will remain subjugated and subordinate in every country on earth, and climate change will gather pace towards an irreversible planetary catastrophe.


A Decade of Action: your voice, your vote, your action


In 2020, we must kickstart the SDGs’ final decade, so we can meet the goals on time and in full, and so create a future of peace and prosperity on a thriving planet, with no-one left behind.

And that’s what we plan to do. In 2020, we and many partners are launching a Decade of Action campaign that aims to galvanize as many people and organizations as possible across countries, sectors and generations to demand and deliver a global shift to put the world on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030.

If we don’t make real progress on systemic and transformative issues like poverty, inequality, gender, and climate, we risk all the goals.

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