On November 6, Let’s Unite for Climate Action

We’re feeling the effects of climate change around the world. It’s clear that this global challenge needs a global response.

At the upcoming United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Bonn, Germany, the Republic of Fiji will assume of the COP23 Presidency and bring together the global community under its powerful – and urgent – perspective on climate action. Together, with leaders from 197 nations, they will forge actions to bring the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change to life and drive the global effort to hold warming well below 2°C.

However, solving the global climate challenge is not the sole responsibility of national leaders.

While it’s true that only national leaders can technically “sign” the Paris Agreement, everyone in the global community plays a critical role in fulfilling its promise for a sustainable, resilient, and thriving planet.

The recent string of devastating extreme weather events, amplified by a warming world, are testimony for why we must collectively increase our ambitions to meet this challenge. That’s why incoming COP23 President and Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama has called upon a “Grand Coalition” of governments at every level, civil society, the private sector, and ordinary citizens to accelerate action on climate, further, faster, together.

As champion for climate action and UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said, “Climate change is undeniable. Climate action is unstoppable. And climate solutions provide opportunities that are unmatchable.”

To showcase the strength in the global community’s commitment to climate action, the UN Foundation, the COP23 Fijian Presidency and the World Bank’s Connect4Climate program will host a 24-hour “Global Digital Surge” to kick-off COP23 on November 6. Participants from around the world – from Ghana to Copenhagen to Fiji – will host digital activations that engage audiences with a diversity of climate solutions and elevate awareness of both the challenges and the solutions. We will hear how representatives from Fiji are confronting climate change head-on, young people are speaking out for their generation, cities are pioneering climate solutions, businesses are stepping up climate leadership, and so much more.

We invite you to join the global conversation under the hashtag #Uniting4Climate and share your own messages for climate action.

To learn more about the Global Digital Surge, see the full working schedule of activations here.

With so much at stake, it’s time to stand with the most vulnerable and show the world that climate action is indeed, unquestionable – and it is unstoppable. Together, we will surge the momentum onward for a more sustainable, prosperous future for all.

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