Coming Soon: Social Good Summit 2017

Think about your dreams for a better world in 2030. How can we realize this vision?

At this year’s Social Good Summit, global leaders and citizens will unite to keep the “Future in Focus” and discuss how technology and innovation can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create a more peaceful, prosperous planet.

Held on September 17, during the United Nations General Assembly, the event will highlight solutions to big challenges like climate change, inequality, poverty, and more. The Summit will also help kick off Global Goals Week, a series of events to continue momentum on the SDGs.

By gathering leaders, thinks, and advocates from around the world, the Summit – hosted by the UN Foundation, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), Mashable, and 92Y – promotes an active conversation community on how to create positive change.

Speakers at this year’s Social Good Summit will include leaders such as UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, OCHA Technology Partnerships Advisor Kareem Elbayar, and education activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Muzoon Al-Mellehan. Celebrities and artists including Whoopi Goldberg, Cynthia Erivo, Bob Weir, and Amanda Gorman will also participate.

To watch the event and join the conversation, visit on September 17.

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