4 Global Voices Share How Technology and Innovation are Transforming Governments

WGS Blog 610

Around the world, people are talking about how governments can better deliver for citizens. It’s a time of tight budgets, immense needs, and complex challenges, which makes the following question so important: How can innovation and technology help governments around the world tackle global challenges?

From February 12-14, experts, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and leading officials from the public and private sectors will gather in Dubai for the World Government Summit to explore this question.

In advance of the conference, I’ve been brushing up on my reading from entrepreneurial thought leaders from around the world who are part of the +SocialGood community. Here are four pieces to start the conversation on how we can leverage technology and innovation to help governments deliver for citizens everywhere.

Sartaj Anand, Founder of Egomonk (India)

“Leadership in the 21st century: How will visionary governance thrive with modern technology?”: In a piece on Medium, Anand writes about how technology is empowering citizens around the world to actively engage with leaders, share knowledge, and drive positive social change.

Noa Gafney Slaney, CEO of Impact Squared (U.S.)

“From Davos to Dubai: What does the Fourth Industrial Revolution mean for the public sector?”: Slaney writes in the Huffington Post about how technology provides great opportunities, but also challenges, that governments must address, from changes in the workforce to increased transparency.

Lovisa Fhager Havdelin, Secretary General of the Order of the Teaspoon (Sweden)

“Are young people losing their interest in working in government?”: This piece explores how to engage more young people in government. While workforce trends are changing so many people move from job to job instead of staying put long-term in one organization or sector, such government, there are still encouraging signs that young people are active in politics and policy.

Ruth Aine Tindyebwa, Online Communications Specialist (Uganda)

“Innovation past a certain mentality – Can we achieve that?”: On her blog, Tindyebwa describes her personal conversations with Uber drives to highlight how innovation is not just about new technologies, but also new ways of finding solutions and thinking about what is possible – and how.

These thought-provoking pieces are just the start of the important conversation that will continue at the World Government Summit. Stay tuned to the hashtag #WorldGovSummit to follow along and join in.

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