Your Favorite Social Media Content in March

At the United Nations Foundation, we’re constantly working with supporters and partners to help the UN advance solutions to global challenges. In March, we celebrated International Women’s Day and the International Day of Happiness. We learned more about the indicators for the Sustainable Development and were introduced to new people and organizations making an impact in communities around the world. It was a great month, and we’re grateful to have our supporters engaged in solving global problems.  

Here are some of our top social media topics from March based on what you told us. We’re looking forward to working with you in April! 

Twitter: Gender Equality

In March, we celebrated International Women’s Day and highlighted the barriers to equality and how we can make progress to empower women everywhere.

Instagram: Spreading Happiness

March 20 was the International Day of Happiness, which highlighted the importance of human happiness and wellbeing.

Facebook: A 101 on Indicators for the Sustainable Development

In March, we talked to a UN Foundation expert to learn what exactly an “indicator” is, and why data, measurement, and monitoring matter to achieve the global goals for sustainable development.

Blog: Global Change Makers

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Who are some of the change makers around the world making a difference in their communities and the world? We highlighted some of them, from A to Z.

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