Our Top 10 Blog Posts from 2015


It’s been an extraordinary year for people and the planet – from the adoption of the global goals for sustainable development to a new, ambitious agreement to take on climate change.

At the same time, it’s also been a year filled with unprecedented global challenges – from the largest refugee crisis since World War II to conflicts and natural disasters.

Communications is important to both addressing global problems and advancing global progress. One of our missions is to make sure people know that when the international community and supporters like you join the United Nations in taking action, big things happen.

So we want to share our top 10 blog posts from this year. From celebrating the recent 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, to quotes by individuals who inspire us, and even a breakdown (with gifs!) of the new development agenda, it has been quite a busy year. While these posts cover a range of issues, they show a common theme: By working together, we can achieve the change we want to see in the world. Enjoy reading any of these stories you may have missed, and we look forward to bringing you new stories in 2016!

1.      9 Inspiring Malala Quotes (Read)

2.      Support the UN Humanitarian Response in Nepal (Read)

3.      5 Reasons Why Empowering Girls Matters (Read)

4.      The UN: 70 Years, 70 Facts (Read)

5.      Join Pharrell Williams and the UN for a Happy Planet (Read)

6.      Yes, We Can Solve Global Problems: Here are 10 Facts to Prove It (Read)

7.      12 Inspiring Quotes from Nelson Mandela (Read)

8.      Common Questions on the Global Goals (Read)

9.      A 101 on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (with gifs!) (Read)

10.  5 Things You Said About Action In 2015 (Read)

PHOTO CREDIT: Stuart Ramson/UN Foundation

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