16 Instagram Accounts to follow in 2016 for the #GlobalGoals

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2016 will launch the Sustainable Development Goals, a shared global agenda created at the United Nations to reach a world where people and the environment thrive, where no one lives in poverty, and where everyone lives with opportunity.

The first step to reach these global goals is to ensure that the world knows about them. Through Instagram, many people and organizations are telling the story of the global goals, sustainable development issues, and the important work of the global citizens who work tirelessly to build a better world.

While there are too many handles to list, here are 16 great handles to follow on Instagram in 2016 to showcase how the world is coming together to support the global goals.

1. United Nations

2. Helen Clark

Loved my visit to the Raja Musa Forest Reserve last week. It lies in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest of Malaysia. The partnership there between local communities, an NGO, the state government, UNDP, and the Global Environment Facility is a model of how to restore degraded peatland and work to prevent and fight fires on that land. These solutions, together with appropriate agricultural techniques, applied many tens of thousands of times over would help stop the fires which are causing the bad haze problem affecting Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore currently, with some effects further afield too. In the photo, I am speaking at a meeting in a village involved in the project @undpmalaysia supports. @undp @globaltransformationforum A photo posted by Helen Clark (@helenclarkundp) on

3. United Nations Development Program

4. Global Citizen

5. The Global Goals

6. United Nations Foundation

7. ONE Campaign

8. World Bank

A young girl pauses to fix her shoes while walking home from #school on a hot day in Dhading, #Nepal. #Girls and #women without access to #education are less able to make their own decisions about family planning, more likely to have #health problems and psychological disorders, and their #children are more prone to #malnutrition and #illiteracy. When countries value girls and women as much as boys and men; when they invest in their health, education, and #skills training; when they give women greater #opportunities to participate in the #economy, manage incomes, own and run businesses—the benefits extend far beyond individual girls and women to their children and families, to their communities, to societies and economies at large. Learn more about the World Bank’s new strategy to address #gender #inequality at www.worldbank.org/gender. Photo: Aisha Faquir/World Bank #genderequality #get2equal A photo posted by WorldBank (@worldbank) on

9. Gates Foundation

10. Girl Up

11. Shot@Life

12. +SocialGood

13. UN Youth Envoy

14. World Wildlife Fund

15. Oceana

16. Kofi Annan

Header Photography by @instacorps photographer @neriad

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