World AIDS Day: 7 Ways to Get Involved


“World leaders have unanimously committed to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted in September. This commitment reflects the power of solidarity to forge, from a destructive disease, one of the most inclusive movements in modern history.” – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

December 1, World AIDS Day, marks an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS and to show our support to the millions of people living with HIV/AIDS globally.

The world has come a long way since 1983 when HIV was discovered. Today, being diagnosed with HIV does not have to signify a death sentence. We know what it takes to break the epidemic. Since 2000, new HIV infections have been reduced by 35%, and AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by 42% since the peak in 2004.

Yet, the job is not finished. Currently, of the 36.9 million people living with HIV worldwide, only 15 million of them are accessing life-saving treatment, which means approximately 22 million people living with HIV are still not accessing treatment and are being left behind. We have more work to do.

On this World AIDS Day, the United Nations and many of our partner organizations are working to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS. Here are some ways you can get involved and help remind the world that the fight is not over.

  1. Donate to The Global Fund through the UN Foundation Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Global Fund-supported programs provide funding for 8.1 million people currently receiving antiretroviral treatment worldwide. Click here to learn more about The Global Fund.
  2. Tune in to the (RED) SHOPATHON on Jimmy Kimmel Live on December 1 at 11:35 PM (ET). The (RED) SHOPATHAN is a holiday shopping campaign selling iconic (RED) products and incredible celebrity experiences throughout the month of December. Every dollar (RED) raises through the SHOPATHAN will be matched by the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, up to $20 million. Join the conversation online with the hashtags #SHOPATHON and #endAIDS.
  3. Share UNAIDS social media messages urging countries to get on the Fast-Track to end AIDS by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals by targeting the countries, cities, and communities most affected by HIV. The goal is to reach the 90–90–90 treatment targets: 90% of people living with HIV know their HIV status; 90% of people who know their HIV-positive status are on treatment; and 90% of people on treatment have suppressed viral loads. Tweet me: We have what it takes to break the AIDS epidemic. Get on the #FastTrack to end AIDS. #WAD2015.
  4. Check out the World Health Organization’s new recommendations for ending the AIDS epidemic, including the use of innovative HIV testing methods, customizing treatment approaches to meet the full diversity of peoples’ needs, and offering a wider spectrum of prevention options.
  5. Watch and share the #TreatmentForAll video launching the new #TreatmentForAll social media campaign aimed to diagnose and treat anyone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS worldwide.
  6. Join and share a live webcast of the White House World AIDS Day event on December 1, from 1:00 PM- 3:15 PM ET. The event will focus on this year’s federal theme, The Time to Act is Now. Join the conversation on twitter with the hashtag #WAD2015.
  7. Read and share ONE’s 2015 AIDS Report, AIDS Unfinished Business: Tracking Global Commitments on AIDS. Tweet me: This #WorldAIDSDay, we have some unfinished business.

[Photo: UNAIDS]

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