Earth To Paris: Expanding the Climate Conversation for People and Planet

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This December, world leaders are gathering in Paris for a landmark United Nations convening to complete a new global climate agreement – an extraordinary opportunity for the international community to rise to meet the threat of climate change. To achieve a world where everyone lives with dignity and opportunity – a vision leaders embraced in the global goals for sustainable development – we must take strong action on climate change.

Everyone has a role to play. As governments convene for the conference, civil society groups, businesses, experts, innovators, and citizens will also gather to share climate solutions and to let leaders know that we care about the outcome of Paris.

On December 7 at the Petit Palais and December 8 at UNESCO headquarters, experts, advocates, CEOs, and other leaders will discuss creative and impactful solutions to climate change. Through digital communications, people and groups across the globe will be able to join the event, share ideas, and raise their voices for climate action.

This is an opportunity to raise awareness of the important conference taking place in Paris and to inspire bold, meaningful action for people and the planet – and we want you to be part of it.

Visit for more information about how you can participate online or join us in person in Paris!

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