In Case You Missed It: 3 Must-Read UN Stories

As the week winds down, in case you missed them, we are sharing three important stories from the United Nations this week:

1. UN Calls for Greater Global Response to Ebola

As the UN continues to ramp up its response to the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa through its “UN Mission for Emergency Ebola Response,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the global community to do more. At a special meeting on Ebola at the World Bank, the Secretary-General said: “The West Africans are scared. They need our urgent help. The world fears Ebola too…The best antidote to fear is an effective and urgent response.”

He outlined five priorities: stopping the outbreak; treating infected people; providing essential services; preserving stability; and preventing outbreaks in non-affected countries. To support the UN’s response to Ebola visit

2. UN Works to Stop Violence Against Girls

As part of International Day of the Girl on October 11, UNICEF, UN Women, and other UN agencies and partners are calling for an end to violence against girls. International Day of the Girl is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of investing in and empowering girls.

To mark the day, the UN Foundation’s Girl Up campaign has launched #GIRLHERO, a photo-sharing campaign to highlight the rights and power of girls.

3. Most Transparent Aid Organization: UN Development Programme

The 2014 Aid Transparency Index named the UN Development Programme as the most transparent aid organization. The rankings are put together by the group Publish What You Fund, a group that advocates for “more and better information about aid.” According to the index, “UNDP should be congratulated for making significant improvements to the quality of its publication.”

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