The UN’s Humanitarian Response in Syria: 3 Ways You Can Help

“Behind every single number is a person.” – Valerie Amos, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator Syria3yrs_320x320

More than 9 million people – including more than 5 million children – have been affected by the conflict in Syria, which enters its fourth year this month. Syrians are on track to become the world’s largest refugee population.

Throughout the crisis, UN agencies have been working to provide aid – including food, shelter, vaccinations, education, water, and health care – to Syrians in need, both in the country and around the region.

Given the scale of the tragedy, the needs are immense and every action matters. Here are three ways you can help the UN help Syrians:

1. Donate: Your dollar can make a difference

Your financial support can give UN agencies resources to provide life-saving aid.

2. Raise Awareness
Help raise awareness of the crisis in Syria and how your family and friends can support the UN’s humanitarian response.

3. Stay Informed and Engaged
Here are some resources to stay up-to-date on what UN agencies are doing to help Syrians.

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