4 Reasons to Take Action for International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day on March 8 celebrates the achievements of girls and women – it’s also a call to action to continue our work to empower girls and women worldwide.

Throughout March, the United Nations Foundation will be taking action and raising awareness to support the United Nations and our partners around the world who are champions for girls and women.

Here are four of many reasons why it’s so important that we act to make sure every girl and every woman is healthy, safe, educated, and empowered.




Investing in girls and women is not just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do to make progress on ending poverty, improving health and education, and creating a better world.

So what can you do to help?


Learn about why #GirlsCount with GirlUp and follow @unfoundation on Twitter to join us in standing up for girls and women.

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