5 Days of Facts | unfoundation.org

People often read the news and feel hopeless – but there are so many reasons to feel hopeful. Yes, the world faces big challenges. But no, they’re not unsolvable. When we mobilize, tangible, positive change can happen – and it is happening.

These good news stories don’t usually make the headlines. That’s why Bill and Melinda Gates, powerful voices for a better world, are taking on myths in global development in their annual letter released yesterday. This letter has sparked a healthy, constructive dialogue about the realities of some of the biggest questions and challenges of our time.

It’s also why we’re launching a blog series this week in support of this conversation. We are calling it “5 Days of Facts.”

Over the next five days, we’ll share facts about the gains we’re making on tough global challenges, what the UN, its partners, and innovators are doing about them, and why the issues we care about are so important.

Day One: Facts on the Millennium Development Goals

To kick things off, we’re featuring five facts about progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight goals established through the United Nations in 2000 as the world’s to-do list to alleviate poverty and improve lives.

The MDGs are making a tremendous difference. UN agencies, governments, businesses, civil society groups, and individuals have rallied around these goals and are working together to achieve them. With just over 700 days left until the target deadline for the MDGs, we’ve still got a lot of work to do, but these facts show that we can make important strides.

Take a look, and spread the news that we can make a difference in the world.


Download the 5 fact graphics and help spread the word:

Take Action: Join the UN Foundation to get updates about how you can help the United Nations reduce poverty and make progress on the MDGs, and follow us on Twitter at @unfoundation.


Fact 1: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013

Fact 2: The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013

Fact 3: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013

Fact 4: Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed – Progress Report 2013

Fact 5: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013


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