A Good News Story on Fighting Preventable Diseases

gasgasGreat news: Thanks to your support and a tremendous commitment from Walgreens, millions of children will be protected from deadly and debilitating diseases.

In September, the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign joined with Walgreens to launch “Get a Shot. Give a Shot.” Here’s how it worked: From September 4 through October 14, when anyone got an adult flu shot or other immunization at Walgreens, the company pledged to provide a vaccine to child in a developing country who needs it.

The results are in. Today, Walgreens announced that it is donating the value of 3 million lifesaving vaccines to safeguard children in developing countries from diseases like measles and polio.

Our efforts are critical to children around the world. The sad reality is that every 20 seconds a child dies from a harmful and vaccine-preventable disease like polio, measles, pneumonia, and severe diarrhea. But as this partnership shows, we can help change this statistic and save lives.

The lesson is clear: When we come together across sectors and across the country, we can make a difference for millions of children who deserve protection against preventable diseases.

Thank you to everyone who participated. Because of you, millions children will have a shot at a healthy life.

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