Girls’ Education Champion Malala at the Social Good Summit

The Social Good Summit continues today with exciting speakers and thought-provoking sessions. A particular highlight is Malala Yousafzai, participating in a panel about leading girls forward past adversity.

Malala’s story is inspiring; it’s one of resilience, hope, and determination. In 2012, Malala, then 15, was targeted for her outspoken opinions in support of girls’ rights in Pakistan. She was shot in the head and neck, gravely wounded, but that didn’t stop her. After a rehabilitation that has included several surgeries, Malala has continued her fight and brought the issue of girls’ rights to education to the world.

Watch a livestream of Malala’s panel and the entire Social Good Summit today at

At 2:30 p.m. ET today, join Malala’s first-ever Twitter chat. Follow @MalalaFund, @GirlUp, and use #MalalaFund to send in your questions.

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