Thanking those who dedicate their lives to peace

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The International Day of Peace is exactly one month away, and over the next 30 days, we’re celebrating those who dedicate every day to peace: United Nations peacekeepers.

More than 113,000 men and women from 116 countries serve as UN peacekeepers. They’ve left their homes and put their lives on hold to protect people they’ve never met and drive out violence from some of the most dangerous places in the world.

Just this month, peacekeepers helped restore democracy to a country torn apart by civil war: Only six weeks after its official launch, the new UN mission in Mali helped secure 21,000 polling places and oversaw calm and peaceful presidential elections in a place that was quickly becoming a breeding ground for terrorism.

And that’s just one example of the way UN peacekeepers are changing the world for the better. These brave men and women risk their lives to make our world a safer place, and they deserve to know their critical work is appreciated.

That’s why our sister organization, the Better World Campaign, put together a thank you card to UN peacekeepers, with the goal of getting 30,000 people like you to sign it before September 21.

Sign the thank you card for UN peacekeepers now, and then pass it along to your friends and family!

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