6 Ways to Help the UN Today

On July 18th, United Nations Volunteers started their “25 Days Equals 25 Ways to Take Action” campaign.  The campaign, which connects Nelson Mandela International Day (July 18) to International Youth Day (August 12), encourages you to commit to at least one voluntary act during the next 25 days.  We figured we’d help you out by sharing this list of six easy ways to make the world a better place:

1.  Thank UN Peacekeepers

You sent a thank you note for that sweater you got for your birthday, so why not send one to people who are making the world a safer place?

The Better World Campaign works to strengthen the U.S.-UN relationship to help tackle the world’s biggest problems.  And a key part of the United Nation’s work are the more than 113,000 peacekeepers who risk their lives to bring peace to some of the most dangerous places in the world.

Add your name to the Better World Campaign’s message of appreciation to thank these brave men and women for helping make the world a more peaceful, stable, and secure place: http://www.betterworldcampaign.org/un-peacekeeping/get-involved/thank-un-peacekeeper.html

2.  Give a Thoughtful (and Cheap) Gift:

Malaria kills 600,000 people a year—mostly children under the age of five.

While malaria remains one of the deadliest diseases on the African continent, infections can be prevented. One method of prevention is through the use of a bed net, a $10 purchase that many families cannot afford.  Nothing But Nets is a global, grassroots campaign to raise awareness and funding to fight malaria by distributing bed nets to those in need.  Nothing But Nets works closely with the United Nations Refugee Agency to send these nets to more than one million refugees in 15 different countries.

Sometimes it is impossible to pick out the perfect gift.  Today it is easy; donate $10 to send a net and save a life: https://secure.globalproblems-globalsolutions.org/site/Donation2?1340.donation=form1&df_id=1340&JServSessionIdr004=evjzd2mm91.app240a

3.  Join a Conversation

Making history can be as easy turning on your computer.  On Sunday September 22, 2013, the Social Good Summit is inviting people worldwide to create and join Meetups to answer the question “How can new technology and new media create solutions for the biggest problems facing my community and create a better future by the year 2030?”  Part of this discussion will focus on the UN’s Post 2015 agenda, setting new goals after the end date for the Millennium Declaration Goals.

Join UN leaders Helen Clark, Anthony Lake, Amina J. Mohammed, and Kandeh Yumkella in one of the biggest, most global and most powerful conversations the world has ever seen: http://mashable.com/sgs/#action

4.  Comment, Share, Advocate

We can save a child’s life every 20 seconds by expanding access to vaccines.  Shot@Life educates, connects, and empowers Americans to champion vaccines as one of the mot cost-effective ways to save the lives of children in developing countries.

Your comment can make a difference! Every day during August you can unlock a donation to purchase a life-saving vaccine for children by commenting on a Blogust personal story: http://www.shotatlife.org/blogust/

Spread the word about the work of Shot@Life by using their handy “Share the Campaign” toolkit: http://shotatlife.org/act/share/

Tell your representatives that you believe it should be a priority that children in developing countries receive life-saving immunizations: https://secure.globalproblems-globalsolutions.org/site/SPageNavigator/SAL_email_congress.html

5.  Make Some New Friends:

Who doesn’t like to add a few friendly faces to their contact list?  How about an active group of members who connect you to the UN?  UNA-USA makes it easy:

The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) wants all Americans to understand the vital work of the United Nations.  As a member, you receive exclusive web content, invitations to events at the United Nations and the U.S. Department of State, and special programming through local chapters. Plus, if you’re a student you can join for free!

Join today to work with local communities and elected officials to inform, inspire, and mobilize Americans to support the principles and work of the UN: http://www.unausa.org/membership/join-una-usa

6.  Snap a photo:

Tomorrow, after you’ve reached for your phone to capture that perfect Kodak moment, donate that photo to Girl Up and help send a girl in Liberia back to school.

There are more than 600 million adolescent girls living in developing countries today.  These girls struggle for the opportunity to go to school, see a doctor, or be included in their communities.  Girl Up gives youth the opportunity to become global leaders in raising awareness for UN programs to help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls.

By simply donating a photo to Girl Up through Johnson & Johnson’s new phone app you can help send one of these 600 million girls to school: http://www.donateaphoto.com/cause/girl-up

After you’ve done these six  quick steps, we’re sure you’ll be eager to find more ways to help.  Learn more about helping the UN at: http://www.unfoundation.org/

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