Your comment can give a child a shot at life

Every 20 seconds, a child dies of a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine.

You can help slow down the clock – and all you have to do is comment.

Today is the start of Blogust, a month-long initiative of the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign to support the United Nations and its partners in expanding access to vaccines for children in developing countries.Every day during August, a leading blogger will share a personal story about the moments that matter in childhood.

Here’s the best part: Every time you leave a comment on any of these blog posts, Walgreens will donate a vaccine (up to 50,000 vaccines) to help give children around the world a shot at a healthy life.

Vaccines are safe, simple, and one of the most cost-effective ways to save lives.  However, one in five children still lacks access to the immunizations that will protect them from devastating diseases like measles and polio.

That’s where you come in.

Your comment can give a child a shot at a healthy life – so go to, comment, and help change a life.  

Follow us on Twitter: @ShotAtLife

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