Welcome, Samantha Power! | unfoundation.org

It’s official: We have a new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations!

Samantha Power, confirmed by the Senate today, is just the person we need to continue strengthening the U.S.-UN relationship. As she said herself, the U.S. has a “critical role to play in insisting that the UN meet the necessities of our time. It can do so only with American leadership.”

We couldn’t agree more.

That said, she certainly has big shoes to fill: Her predecessor, Susan Rice, was a real champion for strong U.S. engagement with the UN.

But I have no doubt that Samantha Power is up to the task. She played a key role in getting the U.S. to rejoin the Human Rights Council, and she’s been an outspoken advocate for ending genocide and protecting civilians worldwide.

Most importantly: She knows just how critical it is for the U.S. and UN to work together in tackling the world’s biggest problems.

So let’s make sure she feels welcome.

Join us in congratulating Samantha Power on her confirmation – and make sure your friends and family hear the big news – by sharing this on Facebook.

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