World Refugee Day: Images & Action

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Last year, a person had to flee his or her home due to conflict or persecution every four seconds on average.  Worldwide, more than 45 million people have been forced from their homes – the highest number in nearly two decades.

Today is World Refugee Day, and you can help the United Nations Refugee Agency protect and provide for the people around the world whose lives have been uprooted.

Help raise awareness and funds by visiting

Help protect a refugee family from malaria by supporting the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign.

A Somali refugee and his child in Malkadiida, Ethiopia. With drought and famine ravaging their home country, thousands of Somalis have taken up residence in refugee camps across the border.

A young Palestinian refugee receives a sack of flour at one of the food distribution operated by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The Agency provides food aid to approximately one million Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

Acholi and Lopit dancers as well as local musicians at the celebration of World Refugee Day at UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) way station in Juba, Sudan.

New UNHCR report says global forced displacement at 18-year high.

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