G-Everyone: Make Your Voice Heard to the G8

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The annual G8 Summit brings together a small group of world leaders to discuss the important issues of our time.  This year, you have a chance to join the conversation.

On Monday, June 10th, one week before the G8 Summit, you are invited to join “G-Everyone,” a day of dialogue that encourages everyone to share their ideas on how technology, innovation and entrepreneurship can address global challenges.

G-Everyone will expand the conversation of the G8 so voices from around the world can participate and be heard by global leaders.

Here’s how it works:  Throughout the day on June 10th, local meetups and online events will encourage people worldwide to discuss their priorities and exchange ideas related to the G8’s core themes this year of “open economies, open governments and open societies.”  The initial themes and ideas that emerge from the day will be shared with officials in the lead-up to the G8.

You can participate by:

•    Organizing or attending a meetup in your local community;
•    Participating in a digital event on June 10th (Some options listed below);
•    Sharing your ideas through +SocialGood, plussocialgood.org; or
•    Sharing your ideas on Twitter, Vine or Instagram using the #Geveryone hashtag.

G-Everyone is brought to you by the UN Foundation, Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the United Nations Development Programme, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ashoka.

We hope you will join the dialogue.  Together, we can create a powerful voice for change.

Digital events on Monday, June 10th

The following Google+ Hangouts will discuss the three questions below.  You can join the Hangouts by clicking here.

1. How can innovation stimulate your local economy?
2. How can technology make your government more open?
3. How can online communities help build healthier societies?

9:00 a.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with G-Everyone partners, moderated by Henry Timms.

10:30 a.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with UN Foundation Senior Fellows John McArthur and Alaka Basu, moderated by Mark Goldberg.

12:00 p.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with the Young G8.  Kevin Daum moderates a panel with Ruma Bose, Maja Vujinovic, Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, and Heather Malloy

4:30 p.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with +SocialGood Community Members and Minh-Thu Pham, the UN Foundation’s Director of Public Policy, moderated by Corrie Frasier.

7:30 p.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with 92Y Ford Fellows and Global Entrepreneurs, moderated by Asha Curran.

9:00 p.m. ET: Google+ Hangout with Mashable reporters and community team members, moderated by Mashable CMO Stacy Martinet.  (For this Hangout, tune in here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+Mashable/posts)

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