Watch Girl Rising! |

9 girls. 9 countries. 9 stories. 9 dreams.

10×10’s Girl Rising is a new feature film about the strength of the human spirit and the power of girls’ education. It spotlights the stories of extraordinary girls around the world, striving beyond circumstance and overcoming impossible odds to achieve their dreams. The message is simple: educate girls, change the world.

From the awe-inspiring trailer starting with Malala’s story  to the vocal performances of renowned actresses like Meryl Streep and Salma Hayek, Girl Rising is a force that promotes a powerful truth: educating girls in developing countries can transform families, communities, and our world – and break the cycle of poverty in just one generation.

Here’s where you come in. The strength of the Girl Rising movement depends spreading awareness. Support this movement by seeing the film and encouraging your friends and family to do so as well. There are screenings happening all over the country, so you can find one in your own community. Byseeing Girl Rising, you will help spark a change: proceeds from the film will go to the 10×10 Education Fund, which will be split among the impact and local partners of the film, including Girl Up, to help fund the work being done to support adolescent girls.

One girl with courage is a revolution. Now is your chance to help her reach her potential. Support Girl Rising today.

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