Mark Your Calendar: UN Day

Mark your calendars: This Wednesday, October 24th, the UN Foundation will help celebrate “United Nations Day,” and we want you to join us!

UN Day commemorates the founding of the UN 67 years ago; it’s also a day to recognize the lifesaving work that the UN performs around the world every day. The UN provides food to 90 million people. It promotes maternal health, saving the lives of 30 million women a year. And it fights poverty, helping 370 rural poor in the past three decades.

This Wednesday, help us spread the word about the importance of the UN’s work.

  • Join a local event hosted by your Chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA, 100 Chapters are hosting more than 170 UN Day events in 33 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Visit for a list of events and to sign up as a UNA-USA member.
  • Mark your calendars and RSVP on Facebook.
  • Participate in the UN Day Twitter Chat with @unfoundation and experts from the United Nations this Wednesday from 11am-2pm ET.
  • Wear your UN Blue. Join the UN Foundation by wearing blue on October 24th and sharing on social media, “I support the UN because…” using #UNDay.

The UN staff and its partners work hard each and every day to create a better world. Let’s show our support for them on UN Day and celebrate all of the UN’s vital work.

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