Join us on Twitter for #UNday!

Join Us For
#UNday Power Lunch: Bringing Everybody to the Table

How is the United Nations working to solve some of today’s largest global issues? Learn from the experts! This UN Day, October 24, we are bringing together experts from the UN and our own leaders here at the Foundation to talk about the issues facing our planet and how together we can create the future we want. Join the conversation, rock your UN blue and help celebrate UN Day!

What:  #UNday Power Lunch: Bringing Everybody to the Table

Where: On Twitter – Hashtag- #UNday

Who: Leaders from the UN community and UN Foundation

When: UN Day, Wednesday October 24, 2012, 11:00am – 2:00pm ET

Take Action: Rock your UN Blue! Wear something blue, take a photo, and share your picture by Tweeting @unfoundation with #UNday, and tell us why you support the UN.


11:00AM – 12:00PM
UN Women (@UN_Women) and Every Women, Every Child (@UnfEWEC) will take questions on the problems facing women and girls today around the world.
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Department of Peacekeeping Operations (@unpeacekeeping) and the United Nations Development Programme (@UNDP) will take questions on promoting peace, security and sustainable development abroad.
1:00PM – 2:00PM
Shot@life (@shotatlife), Nothing But Nets (@nothingbutnets), mHealth Alliance (@mhealthalliance) and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (@cookstoves) take your questions on today’s global health challenges.

Sample Tweets

#UNday is Oct 24! Join the @unfoundation & @UN experts for a Twitter chat 11am-2pm ET & raise your voice for the @UN!

Join @unfoundation on #UNday Oct 24 from 11am – 2pm ET to ask @UN experts ?s & rock your UN Blue!

Rock your blue on Oct 24! Join the #UNday Twitter chat to raise awareness about the amazing work of the @UN 11am-2pm ET

On #UNDay @unfoundation, @UN leaders, NGOs & more are rocking their blue w/ a Twitter chat! Join us on Oct24 11am-2pm ET

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