WE. DID. IT. ~ Bustin’ It Out for #Blogust: Shot@Life’s Blog Relay for Good

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In this, my wildest edition of Wildcard Wednesdays to date, I do, indeed, have something WILD to share.

Hopefully by now you’ve heard of and joined in the #Blogust campaign created by Shot@Life.  Throughout the month of August, the blogosphere has come together around Shot@Life, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation to provide life-saving vaccines to children where they are most needed.

Shot@Life’s Blogust: Blog Relay for Good has brought 31 bloggers, one each day in August, to write about people from our communities who have inspired us. Comments on the posts are being matched with a $20 donation (up to a maximum of $200,000).  $20 is what it costs to give one child four life-saving vaccines to help protect them against measles, pneumonia, diarrhea and polio. That’s 10,000 comments – and 10,000 children saved. Twenty bucks. That’s it.

And guess what?


10,000 Blogust comments ~ sometime this morning we’ll reach that number!!!!

Really, YOU did it.  You and everyone here and across the web who has posted, commented and tweeted about #Blogust this month did it!
Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment together.

At time of me writing this, only a hundred or so more comments are needed to reach this incredible goal.


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