#Blogust: The Gift Of The Written (or typed) Word

This post is my contribution to  Shot @ Life’s Blogust campaign, a first-of-its kind, 31-day relay for GOOD! 31 Bloggers have come together to raise awareness and funds to help save children’s lives from preventable diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Every year, 2.4 million children die from preventable diseases despite the availability of effective vaccines.  I visited Guatemala last year and witnessed first hand  the importance of these vaccines as I helplessly watched a very ill child struggling with pneumonia. All children deserve these life saving vaccines and all children deserve the chance to live a healthy, productive life.

The theme for Blogust is “Comments Count”, each blogger will write about someone online that has inspired them through comments and support.

When thinking about someone online that inspires me, I was immediately taken back five years to when I had the misfortune of experiencing a very preventable c-section. I remember feeling broken and disappointed that I had gone against my better judgment. Not disappointed in the beautiful gift I had received in my son but that I had experienced such a traumatic delivery unnecessarily.  I was showered with a number of comments on my “Delivery post”, all of them encouraging and sympathetic. One comment in particular stood out from the rest, it was from a friend named Carrie, who is no longer online.  Her words to me that day were life giving, it was as if she had been sent to lift me out of my funk. One comment, a comment that I printed out, that I go back to often, that I cherish to this day.


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