A Nation Turns One | unfoundation.org

For the first time in her 30 years, a young woman named Miriam is experiencing the life-changing opportunity of an education free from fear. Since South Sudan emerged as an independent nation just a year ago today, she has become one, among thousands, who are pursuing a greater future.

“I am pleased to congratulate the people of South Sudan on their very first Independence Day,” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan E. Rice said today. “After a bitter half century of conflict, your emergence as a sovereign state has inspired countless Americans and reminded the world, in the words of President Obama, ‘that after the darkness of war, a new day is possible.’”

The United States and the UN Peacekeeping mission in South Sudan remain actively engaged and committed to the success and stability of this volatile region. Together, they are working to promote democratic institutions, disarm militia groups, support the peace process, and aid refugees fleeing to the area like Miriam.

Still, at this one year anniversary, tensions continue between Sudan and South Sudan, and UN peacekeepers remain critical to preventing an escalation of violence. Each day, they monitor the border, protect civilians, and support the steady flow of refugees coming from Sudan into South Sudan.  As the U.S. and UN work together to encourage both parties to fulfill the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, 8,000 UN Peacekeepers are on the ground, standing guard, and promoting this desperately needed peace.

Join us in thanking UN Peacekeepers, including those in South Sudan and the 100,000 others operating around the world. Send a note of appreciation for their service by adding your name and personal message to the letter, and we will deliver it to UN Peacekeeping.

You can also join our Nothing But Nets campaign in sending 100,000 live-saving bed nets to the South Sudan region to help put a stop to Malaria.

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