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Name: Bakhtiar Omer Nuri
Date of birth: 1-Nov-1967 Gender: Male Address: Sulaimaniya
Mob: 0770 190 2515
E-mail: [email protected]
Education: In 1991 completed the University of Mosul, college of science B.Sc of Chemistry
Language Skills:
1. English→ certificate of English proficiency in Salahadin University in 1996.
2. English→ certificate of English proficiency in Sulaimaniya University in 1997.
3. English→ certificate of IELTS Band Score ( 5 ) in 2017.
4. Arabic → Good.
5. Kurdish → my normal Language.
Computer Skills:
M.S. word, M.S.excel, M.S. access and Power point programs and very experienced in Using GPS instrument
for location specification. I did with most of the Organizations and Companies fire training and first aid &
safety training..
1) I have worked with Save the Children International (SCI) from Sep 15th ,2014 till 30th Apr, 2015 in
Sulaiymaniya field office in the position of Hygiene promotion Officer ( for the next time with SCI) ,
my duty was:
• Design, planning and implementation of WASH needs assessments: personal interviews at household
level, facilitation of focus group discussions, visits to sites and infrastructures, and meeting with key
members of community.
Program design and implementation:
• Design, planning, implementation and follow-up of hygiene promotion activities such as:
1. Training of trainers in hygiene promotion (for community volunteers, WASH committee
members, teachers, health workers),
2. Setting up of children clubs and hygiene promotion activities in schools
3. Follow-up of activities of community health workers
• Ensure community mobilization in all field related to of water, hygiene and sanitation.
• Plan, organize, supervise and evaluate the distribution of hygiene, cleaning and water treatment kits for
health centers, schools and families beneficiaries,
• Develop and evaluate home water treatment methodologies in the targeted communities.
• Develop and evaluate methodologies for promoting sanitation, such as CLTS (community-led total
sanitation), or subsidized latrine construction.
• Ensure budget planning and logistics for hygiene promotion activities: making and follow-up of internal
purchase order, quality control of material delivered by suppliers, planning team movements by vehicle
• Follow-up of the hygiene promotion activities of potential local partners of Save the Children such as
local NGOs, and participate in building their capacity
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning:
• Implementation of initial and final KAP surveys (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice)
• Implementation of PDM survey (Post Distribution Monitoring) for kits distributed
• Follow-up of water quality analyses at household level (residual chlorine, bacteriological analysis), in
particular to assess the effectiveness of home water treatment techniques
• Collection, consolidation and reporting of weekly data, necessary for the consolidation of standard
project and strategic indicators (number of beneficiaries, number and type of activity performed, results
of water analyzes performed …)
• Writing weekly report to line manager, and verbal reports whenever necessary.
Integration, coordinations et traversal aspects:
• Coordinate WASH activities with other sectors of Save the Children, in order to integrate activities in the
same geographical area and for the same beneficiaries.
• Coordinate activities with other local actors (governmental and non-governmental)
• Ensure the integration of gender, child protection, HIV, environment and other crosscutting issues to
the design, implementation and development of Hygiene promotion activities, and ensure that activities
take into account the needs of specific groups and individuals, especially children, the elderly and
2) I’m a very committed staff member in the position of CYPD Program Officer and have accomplished
all the tasks that were assigned to during working with IRC, from 1st Jan, 2013 to 31th December,
2013 as the follow:
• Supported the CMs’ to make sure performance is developed in the fields of community
• Maintained a data base of the activities carried out by the CMs.
• Trained the required number of the PTAs, MGs and SGs in the targeted schools on their roles and
responsibilities, SIP and CFS concepts.
• Supported the trainings for the supervisors on management, leadership, supervision.
• Strong contacts and right channels for official communications with DoEs offices and focal points.
• Updated the lists of the PTAs, MGS, SGs
• Supported the Program Manger in monitoring the activities carried out by CMs.
3) I worked with Save the Children International in Iraq from November 20th 2011till July 2012 in the
position of public health promotion Officer (PHP).Having obtained the general orientation in
Sulaymaniyah office, my duty was:
• Planning, design and implementation of public health promotion activities in targeted areas of Kalar,Kifri
and Khanaqin Districts.
• Participated in quarterly and monthly planning and budget plan. The monthly plan has been
communicated to the staff and broken down to weekly planning. .
• Prepare purchase request to identify the appropriate hygiene kits as per the target communities needs.
Such as selecting type of soaps, water containers, cleaning campaign tools and schools tools.
• Supervision and mentoring the activities of Hygiene Promoters towards volunteers training on
community based hygiene promotion activities in the field level. By visiting and follow up teams
activities and discuss with them about the challenge that they faced during their work in the field and I
worked on finding solution.
• Participate in staff recruitment process for the positions of hygiene promoters. Such as staff recruitment
for the Kifri district.
• Organize orientation sessions and clarify the project expectations.
• An orientation session to the newly recruited staff (Kifri based hygiene promoter) has been conducted.
• Coordinate and held meeting with the government office especially with (GDPH) General Directorate of
Preventative Health to support us by Aqua Tabs and making bacteriological water sample test.
• The day to day support to the team in terms of technical and coordination support.
4) From Feb.2009, I Worked at Korek telecom for Communication Company till (1/2/2011) in the
position of Admin Assistant manager moved to sale division in 2/08/2010. My job was:
• Interviewing a new employee and preparing all necessary documents .
• Preparing and checking attendance sheet, accommodation sheet.
• Answering all official written coming from government office.
• Checking purchasing materials lists and bills other issues conducted by manager.
• In sale division may job is bringing SIM CARDS in ware house of Korek telecom and distributed them
to korek telecom dealers by organizing systematic Data base. Entering the Data of all SIM CARDs
which are bought by Korek telecom Dealers).
5) From Aug.2005 to Feb.2009, I worked at Asiacell for communication company in Marketing Dep, in
the position of Field work senior specialist (promoted from Field work specialist to Field work
senior specialist in 2007).My job was :
• Design the questionnaire in English and translate it in to Kurdish and Arabic languages
• Train the interviewers from Customer Care Unit or external source.
• Control and check the performance of interviewers/ survey.
• Construct data- entry using MS-access for entering the data of forms
• Ensure data-entry of survey results is executed correctly.
• Monitor the quality of collected data by performing systematic tests.
• Analyze the survey results using MS excel or other computer programs and produced Power point
6) From Jan.2000 to Jan.2004, I worked with UNOPS in the position of Survey supervisor (Mine fields
and villages survey, promoted from survey team leader to survey supervisor in 2003). My job was:
(a- Mine awareness & recognition b- Map reading, Task planning, correct compilation of reports and
documentation. c- Questioning techniques, Sops and Administration. d- conducting level one survey
7) From June.1996 to Dec.1996, I worked with Medicines Sans Frontiers in the position of Community
health worker, My job was:
• seeing the needs of the families within an area in the camp, educated people in the ways of better
sanitation, I also informed the people of distribution time.
8) From Oct. 1991 to Jan.1993, I worked with Children Relief at Halabja laboratory in the position of
laboratory Manager. My job was:
• (taking responsibility of Lab of Halabja Hospital and the other Laboratories regarding Halabja and
purchasing materials from the local market and distributed to the Halabja laboratory and other Labs
belonged Halabja).
Reference contact information
* Names Job Title Organization/company Name Mobile No.
Aram Shakaram Sulaimniya Office/ Director Save the children International 0770 152 0932
Saiwan Kamal Admin & HR/ Manager Save the children International 0770 225 7790
Rewan Sttar Erbil Field Coordinator IRC 0750 447 2680
Paywand Jamal Admin & HR Assistant IRC 0750 466 0310
Aram Shakaram Sulaimniya Office/ Director Save the children International 0770 152 0932
Saiwan Kamal Admin & HR/ Manager Save the children International 0770 225 7790
Hoahiar Ahmed KPI Strategy & Analysis Asia cell Telecommunication 0770 110 5860
Nawzad Nadir Survey Supervisor UNOPS 0770 152 3990
Rebwar Mustafa Admin Manager Korek Telecommunication. 0750 110 0200
Petra Hegner Laboratory Expert Childrem Relief 0511 960 5556
Dr, Cabrol Jean Clement Field co-ordinator MSF
Best Regards,
Bakhtiar Omer |
Mob: +964(0)7701902515
E-mail address: [email protected]
Dear HR Team,
Greeting ,
Kindly let you know that I worked for the second time with Save the Children International in the position of Hygiene Promotion Officer ( My work has finished in the end of April 2015 due to budget finishing ) and I worked with IRC for one year from 1/1/2013 till 1/12/2013 in the field of education program,
In addition to that I worked with save the children international in Nov, 2011-2012 too , UNOPS in 2000-2004, Medicine Sans Frontiers in 1996-1997, Children Relief Organizations in 1991-1993 , Asia cell in 2005 -2009and korek telecom Companies in 2009-2011 that it means I had more than 15 years experiences working with Organizations and Companies .
It will be my pleasure to work in the mentioned Post