A Critical Moment in the Fight Against Malaria

This World Malaria Day, we need your help more than ever.

Since 2006, Nothing But Nets has created the world’s largest grassroots network dedicated to keeping families in sub-Saharan Africa safe from malaria. The campaign has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to send nets and save lives from malaria, a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. Nothing But Nets supporters have made a significant difference. Greater availability and use of malaria prevention tools and treatment over the past decade has saved more than 1 million lives according to the World Health Organization.

That is fantastic progress! But every 60 seconds, a child in Africa still dies from malaria — and worldwide funding to stop the disease and deliver long-lasting, insecticide-treated bed nets is slowing down. In 2010, 145 million nets were delivered, compared with 66 million nets in 2012. This World Malaria Day, the world faces a critical moment in the fight against malaria. Now is the time to sustain the gains against this deadly disease and distribute more life-saving bed nets to the families who need them. U.S. leadership has been critical in the fight against malaria. We applaud Congress and the Obama Administration for their support of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the President’s Malaria Initiative. Investments in these programs and campaigns such as Nothing But Nets are essential to ending malaria deaths.

Bed nets are still one of the simplest, most cost-effective tools in the fight against malaria. Half of families in sub-Saharan African sleep beneath an insecticide-treated bed net; we are committed to making sure that every family in Africa who needs a bed net has one. Hundreds of thousands of caring supporters have helped raise more than $40 million to help Nothing But Nets and its United Nations partners distribute over 7 million nets to families in countries across Africa. Everyone, from students to CEOs, can join the fight against malaria. Visit www.NothingButNets.net/CoverAfrica to take action today!

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