An Update on Syria and How You Can Help

Children and families in Syria need our help. According to UNICEF, more than 30 children have been killed in the past few months because of violence, extreme winter conditions, and displacement.


As the conflict in Syria approaches its ninth year, freezing temperatures are making conditions worse for millions of people displaced within Syria’s borders and in surrounding countries. In total, over 13 million people need urgent humanitarian aid.

Despite the complexities of Syria’s civil war, it is starkly clear that civilians are at great risk. UN humanitarian workers are acting swiftly to support them. Among many vital services, UN agencies and partners provide safe spaces for women and girls, education for children who are out of school, and urgent health services like immunizations as half of the country’s hospitals have been partially or fully destroyed.

Dr. Khaldoun Al-Assad, a UN official who has worked in Syria told us about his experience responding to the crisis. He said:

Some… will start questioning what they are doing, especially when the need is huge, yet assistance is too little. I would say: “Don’t give up.” For people in need, the little that you can do is already great. For them, it’s very important that someone cares. You can also give people hope, so please continue doing that.

Your support can make a difference for people who need urgent humanitarian aid.

Here’s how you can help: donate to the UN’s winter appeal for Syria. Your donation will help UN agencies and humanitarian partners provide supplies that will help ease the burden of a harsh winter: sleeping bags, thermal blankets, warm clothes, heaters, stoves and fuel, and shelter.

To learn more about the crisis in Syria and what’s needed to support people caught up in conflict worldwide, read the 2019 Global Humanitarian Overview by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

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