9 Faith Quotes on Climate Change

Pope Francis has marked September 1 “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” a day for individuals and communities to pray for the protection of the Earth. In June, Pope Francis dedicated his most important teaching document, the papal encyclical, to the issue of the environment and climate change. This summer, over 400 Jewish rabbis signed a Rabbinic Letter on the Climate Crisis, which calls for urgent action to prevent further climate change. […]

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Get a Shot. Give a Shot.

This week marked the launch of Shot@Life’s third Get a Shot. Give a Shot® campaign in partnership with Walgreens. This partnership has resulted in more than 7 million life-saving vaccines donated to children around the globe through Shot@Life. Sadly, one in five children worldwide lack access to life-saving immunizations, and a child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine-preventable disease. Changing these statistics so more children survive and thrive is a key priority of the

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UN History: What is Ratification?

Which of the Big Five was the second to ratify the United Nations Charter after the U.S.? France. But what does ratification actually mean? Why didn’t the UN just spring straight into existence after 50 nations signed the UN Charter in San Francisco on June 26, 1945? Spectacular ceremony often accompanies the signing of a treaty or charter. But for international treaties like the UN Charter, each signatory state has to agree to the principles

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3 Ways You Can Support Refugees Today

Throughout the summer, the news has featured heartbreaking stories of refugees facing hardship and risking their lives – and in many cases, losing their lives – as they flee conflict and persecution in their home countries. Right now, there are nearly 60 million people around the world displaced by crises – the most since World War II. The conflict in Syria alone has left more than 12 million people in need of humanitarian aid. While

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4 Things to Know about Child Survival

Today, United Nations agencies released two new reports on child survival – “Levels and Trends in Child Mortality Report 2015”and “A Promise Renewed: 2015 Progress Report” – highlighting one of the greatest achievements of the new millennium: the lives of 48 million children under the age of 5 have been saved since 2000. That’s when governments, civil society and communities came together and committed to achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs set

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5 Best HR Practices For Remote Workforce Management - an HR manager is organizing a team of people working remotely.

5 Best HR Practices For Remote Workforce Management : unjobvacanicies.com

Progress and expectations Financial concerns Work-life balance Mental health Workplace harassment Climate action Many of these are easy to link directly to your HR efforts. A well-defined job description and paying someone at market rate knock out the first two. Training that explains when people need to respond during the day and any carveouts you have for personal time get to the heart of work-life balance. Your company likely has harassment training and mental health

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How Our Culture of Connection is Changing Philanthropy

Trevor Neilson is the Co-Founder and President of Global Philanthropy Group. We share stories in real-time with friends, family, and strangers through Snapchat and Periscope. Corporations advertise on Instagram and Facebook. Governments communicate directly with their constituencies on Twitter. We receive the latest news via mobile push notifications. Our world is more connected than ever, and it is changing how we give. Empathy Connection fosters a culture of empathy that forces individuals to take action.

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Under One Sky, Let’s Share Global Goals with the World

On Friday, September 25, representatives from 193 countries will gather at the United Nations to formally adopt the next set of global goals, known as the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to end extreme poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives of billions of people across the globe. One way to make sure these goals move from words to action is to tell the world about them. The evening before the goals are adopted,

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4 Hints on What President Obama Will Say at the Leaders’ Summit on Peacekeeping

On Monday, September 28, U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders will convene at the United Nations to announce new contributions to the world’s largest deployed military force – UN Peacekeeping. It is a moment for the U.S. to show real leadership, beyond financial contributions, and it will go a long way toward achieving a sustainable and more effective partnership on peacekeeping. What can we expect the President to say? Here’s a hint, based

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