Energy Access Practitioner Network Member Spotlight: Mobisol

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared on the Energy Access Practitioner Network website. We spoke with Thomas Duveau, Head of Business Development at Mobisol, to discuss the company’s work in combining solar energy with payment plans via mobile phone, comprehensive customer service, and innovative remote monitoring technology. Interview edited for length. Can you tell us a little about Mobisol and its history? When was it created, and why? The founder of Mobisol, Thomas Gottschalk, traveled the world in […]

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Lessons for the Next Global Development Agenda

This post is authored by Kathy Calvin, President and CEO of the United Nations Foundation, and R. Venkataramanan, Executive Trustee of the Tata Trusts. Last month, world leaders gathered at the United Nations to adopt a new set of global development goals that aim to end extreme poverty, promote inclusive economic growth, and protect the planet. The result is an ambitious yet achievable agenda for the 21st century, if we harness 21st century development practices.

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Entrepreneurs Step Up for the Global Goals

It is an exciting time to be an entrepreneur. The world is finally waking up to the idea that entrepreneurs are engines of economic growth and key drivers of global prosperity. One only has to look at Goal 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which addresses jobs and economic growth, to see that there is a new recognition of how the business sector can help accelerate progress on shared global initiatives. I strongly believe that

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The Road to Ending Preventable Deaths

Photo credit: Stuart Ramson for UN Foundation It’s almost unfathomable to recall that in January 2012 the zero draft of the Rio+20 Outcome Document contained only two broad (and weak) mentions to health. Strong advocacy, hard data, and high-level political commitment resulted in a final outcome document with multiple references to health, with strong language stressing that health is a precondition for, an outcome of, and an indicator of all three dimensions of sustainable development.

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4 Highlights from the Recent UN Report on National Climate Action Plans

Photo credit: UN Development Programme   In the run up to December’s Paris climate conference, when the United Nations’ 193 member states are expected to reach a new agreement on climate change, countries have developed and submitted national action plans that outline their efforts to fight climate. On Friday, the UN released a report analyzing the collective impact of those plans. Here are four highlights from the report and why these national plans matter. 1.

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Diverse Life, Sustainable Food |

Washington’s National Zoo has about 1,800 animals. Imagine the outcry if human activity contributed to the loss of more than 900 of them. While the zoo hasn’t suffered such a drastic fate, the rest of the world has. According to World Wildlife Fund’s Living Planet Report, global populations of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds declined 52% between 1970 and 2010. One species – Homo sapiens – is largely responsible for this loss. We are

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10 Inspiring Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

Saturday, November 7 will mark 53 years since the world lost an inspiring leader and major UN supporter, Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor Roosevelt was the “First Lady of the World,” according to President Harry S. Truman. She served as a U.S. delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the first Chairperson of the UN Human Rights Commission in 1946. She was instrumental in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, presenting it to

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Energy Access Practitioner Network Member Spotlight: Nuru Energy

Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared on the Energy Access Practitioner Network website. We spoke with Sameer Hajee, co-founder and CEO of Nuru Energy, which has developed a one-of-a-kind offgrid recharging platform, the Nuru POWERCycle ™ pedal generator. The POWERCycle ™ provides clean, sustainable power to recharge both mobile phones and the Nuru Energy portable modular LED light, which can be fully recharged in 20 minutes, with each light providing up to ten days of light

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The Sexist Data Crisis and Three Ways to Start Tackling It

Editor’s Note: This post from Mayra Buvinic and Megan O’Donnell originally appeared on the Center for Global Development blog. We are dealing with a sexist data crisis. We know that poverty hits women and girls hard, but current data cannot precisely measure their poverty independently of that of families or households. As ONE Campaign executive director Jamie Drummond pointed out this week in his talk, “Factivism, Feminism, and the Sexist Data Crisis,” at Web Summit,

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