10 Years of Saving Lives: What You Should Know about the UN Central Emergency Response Fund

For families devastated by conflicts and natural disasters, every moment matters. Getting aid to people in their time of greatest need can sometimes be a matter of life or death. That is why 10 years ago, the United Nations created the Central Emergency Response Fund, often known as CERF, to quickly and effectively get lifesaving aid to the people who need it, when they need it most. Today, the UN is hosting an event to […]

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3 Reasons to Support Universal Health Coverage

Three years ago, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution on Universal Health Coverage, declaring that everyone, no matter where they live or how much money they earn, has the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health, regardless of their ability to pay. In September, the goal of Universal Health Coverage was enshrined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals – the world’s to-do list to end poverty, improve lives, and protect the

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15 Highlights from 2015 | unfoundation.org

This year was truly a historic year for people and the planet thanks to the leadership of the United Nations, the work of partners, and supporters like you who believe we can make progress on global issues and build a better world. 2015 will be remembered by history as the year that laid the foundation for a new era of sustainable development. While the UN Foundation’s year had too many highlights to list all of

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Goodbye from MAMA | unfoundation.org

As I reflect on my time with MAMA and all that we’ve accomplished, I am filled with so many conflicting feelings and thoughts. The Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action – or MAMA – was created because we felt certain that there was an opportunity to reach pregnant women with health information via mobile phones, but we weren’t sure exactly how to do it or if we’d see the kind of behavior change we knew was

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16 Instagram Accounts to follow in 2016 for the #GlobalGoals

2016 will launch the Sustainable Development Goals, a shared global agenda created at the United Nations to reach a world where people and the environment thrive, where no one lives in poverty, and where everyone lives with opportunity. The first step to reach these global goals is to ensure that the world knows about them. Through Instagram, many people and organizations are telling the story of the global goals, sustainable development issues, and the important

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Our Top 10 Blog Posts from 2015

It’s been an extraordinary year for people and the planet – from the adoption of the global goals for sustainable development to a new, ambitious agreement to take on climate change. At the same time, it’s also been a year filled with unprecedented global challenges – from the largest refugee crisis since World War II to conflicts and natural disasters. Communications is important to both addressing global problems and advancing global progress. One of our

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11 Reasons to End the Year Feeling Hopeful

It’s been a year of conflict and challenge, but there is also reason for hope that a better world is possible. In fact, there are several reasons, and we want to share 11 of them. Today marks the end date of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). At the dawn of a new millennium in 2000, world leaders and the United Nations created eight goals to alleviate poverty and improve lives around the world by the

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2016: From Vision to Action

Today ushers in a new year – and a new era of sustainable development as we launch the Sustainable Development Goals. Last year, the United Nations brought the international community together to adopt a set of global goals and to reach a landmark agreement to address the threat of climate change. Together, the world created a shared vision of the future: a world where no one lives in poverty, everyone has opportunity, and we have addressed the

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A New Year’s Letter: Opportunities for 2016

As a new year gets underway, I want to thank you for your partnership and reflect on the year ahead. I hope our shared efforts last year leave you encouraged and ready to tackle 2016 and the profound opportunities and monumental changes in front of us. 2015 was a historic year for the United Nations and for global cooperation, from the Financing for Development action agenda to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals to

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