8 Short Films To Inspire You Into SDG Action

What does a story about global progress look like? Now, how do you tell that story in eight minutes or less?  More than 700 filmmakers across the globe tried to answer these questions as part of this year’s Picture This Festival for the Planet, a short-film competition for emerging filmmakers hosted by Sony and the United Nations Foundation.  The ultimate aim? To illustrate and inspire action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  This week, finalists […]

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6 Inspiring Climate Solutions Captured by Photographers Around the World

This September, thousands of global leaders from businesses, civil society, government, the art community, and more, will come together in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit. Why? To achieve the goals of the landmark Paris Climate Agreement and stop runaway climate change, we need bold action. That requires innovative solutions across every sector and at every level – from sustainable agriculture in local communities to major investments in renewable energy. As the impacts

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3D Printing For Good: How One Nonprofit Is “Printing” Homes For Families In Need

Alexandria Lafci was 24 years old and stuck in a job she hated when she decided to pursue an unlikely dream: Building homes for families in need around the globe. She had learned so much in her first job out of college and now she wanted to apply that experience: The Teach for America alumna had seen firsthand how homelessness affects a child’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being: Nearly one-third of the students she taught

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Unpacking Fragility: Insights from the OECD’s New States of Fragility Report

Fragility presents a major threat to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to new research from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD’s 2018 States of Fragility report, released last month, describes fragility as “an intricate beast, sometimes exposed, often lurking underneath, but always holding progress back.” This year’s report provides new insights into how to understand, measure, and respond to fragility. It also includes analysis on 58 different fragile countries

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Supporting the World’s Most Urgent—and Underfunded—Crises

You’ve likely seen the news about war in South Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. But what about drought-stricken farmers in Mauritania, cyclone survivors in Madagascar, or displaced families in Angola? When a crisis fades from the headlines — or never makes the news — it can be difficult for the international aid community to raise money to respond. Because most of the UN’s funding is earmarked by donors for specific operations or countries, under-reported emergencies often

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Not Too Young to Make a Difference: Young Leaders are Leading on the Global Goals

Today’s youth generation is the largest the world has ever seen. There are 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24. And, they will soon be responsible for a world with rising global challenges like hunger, climate change, and conflict. It’s challenges like these that are motivating young people around the world to take action. Not only are they raising their voices, they are also stepping up in their communities and showing

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One Man’s Journey From a Refugee Camp in Ethiopia to UN Headquarters in NYC

Gatluak Ramdiet was 9 years old when he was separated from his parents. One morning they went out looking for food and never returned. His family was living in Sudan at a time when violence in the country had turned to genocide. Government forces and militias were bombing and raiding villages, causing thousands of orphaned children to flee the country on foot. Gatluak — who goes by “Gat” for short — was one of those children. He and his

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Drones for Development: How UAVs Are Supporting the Global Goals

The idea of robots flying through the sky are no longer a science fiction dream. Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are being used around the world as means of recreation, government strategy, and global development. Like all technologies, these machines can be used for nefarious or destructive purposes. However, drones are being used in a variety of creative ways to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including peacekeeping, combating poverty, and delivering aid. The United Nations is

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Global Leader Tributes Highlight Kofi Annan’s Legacy

The outpouring of love and respect for Kofi Annan from global leaders past and present highlights his stature on the world stage, and reflects widespread admiration for his personal skills as a diplomat and how he used those skills to accomplish important work.  Many tributes reminded us that not only was he the first black African to become Secretary-General, but also the first to work his way up through the ranks of the UN. In

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