World TB Day: Kingdom in the Sky

Every year hundreds of thousands of children will become sick with tuberculosis and tens of thousands will die. Often, TB goes undetected in children and infants and young children are at special risk of having severe, often fatal forms of TB, such as TB meningitis, which can leave them blind, deaf, paralyzed or mentally disabled. View photos from Lesotho, Africa, often referred to as “Kingdom in the Sky” which has the second highest rate of […]

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Reaching 111 Million African Children, Door to Door, in Four Days

Just last month the world celebrated as India marked a major success in its battle against polio by being removed from the World Health Organization’s list of countries plagued by the crippling disease. India’s progress has proven to the world what is possible when we focus on the task at hand. Using the success from India as fuel and will-power, the polio spotlight has shifted to other countries still affected. Kicking off today, Health Ministries,

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Learning from India: Growth, Innovation, Sustainability

When global leaders come together to talk about how to help the United Nations solve the world’s most pressing problems, it can create a considerable amount of excitement. That is exactly what is happening here on the Infosys campus in Bangalore, India, where the UN Foundation Board is meeting. The Board has been in discussions with senior leaders of Infosys regarding ways that technology and innovation are helping drive economic progress and build a sustainable,

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Ask our Board |

Last week, you had the chance to hear directly from four of our Board members about what makes great global leaders and why they think the United Nations and global philanthropy are important. Now is your chance to ask them your questions around global philanthropy and how to create a future we want. Currently, our Board is in India to see first-hand how partnerships and innovation are powering a more sustainable future for India and

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Nothing But Nets Launches Emergency Appeal for South Sudan

Today Nothing But Nets announced the launch of an emergency appeal to send 100,000 bed nets to refugees in the world’s newest country, South Sudan. Since last June, refugees have been fleeing into South Sudan and neighboring countries to escape fighting on the Sudan / South Sudan border, and are expected to continue doing so this year. The situation in this region is heartbreaking and these families need our help. Our great partners at the

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Collaboration in India Proves Innovation for the Future

Much of the discussion around the UN Foundation Board meeting today focused on how the UN Foundation can most effectively support the UN during Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s second term, especially as partnerships have been identified as one of the top priorities.  The Board underscored its commitment to helping the UN achieve this vision, and was pleased the UN Foundation has helped bring about a transformation in the way the private sector and public approach working

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In West Africa, We Were Welcomed

From the conference rooms of Abuja to the communities in and around Accra, I consistently heard the phrase ‘you are welcome’ during my recent trip to Nigeria and Ghana. I thought it was just a formal acknowledgment to my ‘thank you’, but as I later heard Radha Muthiah, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, explain, West Africans are often known not just for their statements of welcome, but for their actions of welcome as

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Finding Hope in India |

As the father of two boys, visiting hospitals and health clinics in the developing world, and seeing kids struggling to make it to the next day, is always difficult. But when I met with Dr. Julius and Dr. Asha at Hrudayalaya Hospital as part of the UN Foundaton Board meeting in Bangalore, I was instead filled with hope. They are part of Hrudayalaya’s innovative effort to dramatically expand access to affordable pediatric heart surgery to

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MDGs and lessons learned for post-2015

Today our Board had a rich discussion with India’s United Nations team and civil society leaders on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and lessons learned for the next phase post-2015. Several strong themes emerged such as the critical role of women as drivers of change, finding ways to address the poorest of the poor who are currently being left behind, and quality of services vs. just access to them. As several of our guests reiterated,

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