Stopping polio: Lessons from India

I’m in India this week with the United Nations Foundation’s Board of Directors – some of the smartest minds I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with – to discuss how we can help the UN solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. As we are in India, polio eradication is an issue that figures prominently in our discussions. India went from having half of the world’s polio cases in 2009 to becoming free of […]

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Melinda Gates on TEDXChange: Looking ahead to a Stellar Line-Up

With only a few days to go, I’m eagerly anticipating TEDxChange: The Big Picture and putting the finishing touches on my talk. The TEDx speakers I have watched online this year have certainly set a high bar. This close to an event it’s always a little nerve-wracking. But there’s no greater honor than to take to the stage alongside a line-up of individuals from around the globe for whom I have such great respect. This

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Results in India – Reasons to Invest in Humanity

As we prepare to return from India and the semi-annual UN Foundation Board meeting, I am struck by one of the themes that emerged from discussions this past week:  the need for long-term investments in humanity.  This is more than just a lofty phrase.  It is a call for a fundamental shift in the way people think about philanthropy, partnership, and working with the United Nations. When Ted Turner founded the UN Foundation fourteen years

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Answering a Call to Action from Melinda Gates

Today’s speech by Melinda Gates at TedXChange is a bold and timely call-to-action on family planning. As Melinda rightly points out, there is no controversy about building better lives for our children. The time to act is now — the investments we make today will greatly impact the future we leave our children. By empowering women with the tools they need to make decisions about their health and their families, we invest in a better

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Conversations about India, Philanthropy, and the United Nations

As part of the itinerary in India last week, United Nations Foundation Board members participated in a televised conversation with one of the country’s leading journalists, NDTV’s Barkha Dutt.  She interviewed UN Foundation Founder and Chairman Ted Turner, Foundation President Senator Timothy E. Wirth, and Co-chairman of Infosys Technologies Kris Gopakakrishnan on issues ranging from the evolution of philanthropy, the role of the United Nations, and how partnerships and innovation are powering a more sustainable

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Your Silly Shot Could Give a Child a Shot@Life

Hey moms and dads – check out the “Here’s to More!” Shot@Life contest on the BabyCenter Community! Help give children around the world a shot at more firsts by designing a t-shirt for Shot@Life, a new campaign from the United Nation’s Foundation that helps provide children in developing countries with life-saving vaccines. Did you know that a child dies every 20 seconds from a vaccine-preventable disease? Let’s put an end to this by celebrating those

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Energy’s Great Potential |

During her trip to Washington D.C., Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, visited the United Nations Foundation. UN Foundation Vice President for Climate and Energy, Reid Detchon and Figueres held a media roundtable with some of D.C’s most prominent climate and energy reporters. As the UN’s top official on climate change, Figueres spoke to the status of the UN’s climate change negotiations and her expectations for what can

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Mobilize the Earth on April 22nd

On April 22, more than one billion people in 192 countries will come together on Earth Day to Mobilize the Earth™ and call for a sustainable future. From Rome to Rio, London to New Orleans, Beirut to Muscat, Kolkata to Jakarta, Beijing to Melbourne, communities everywhere will voice their concerns for the planet and demand change. Earth Day 2012, which occurs a short eight weeks before Rio+20, will provide an international platform to mobilize support

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Bed Nets – The “Magically” Simple Way to Stop Malaria

Malaria pervades every community in my homeland, South Sudan. I was in my village, Ayiet, last summer and brought three months’ worth of anti-malarial pills from the United States for my own protection. One morning, my six-year-old brother, Matiok, woke up with a high fever. He was sweating, vomiting, and shaking — the telltale symptoms of malaria that I myself had experienced in a refugee camp in northern Sudan a decade earlier. I gave him

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