A Critical Moment in the Fight Against Malaria

This World Malaria Day, we need your help more than ever. Since 2006, Nothing But Nets has created the world’s largest grassroots network dedicated to keeping families in sub-Saharan Africa safe from malaria. The campaign has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to send nets and save lives from malaria, a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. Nothing But Nets supporters have made a significant difference. Greater availability and use of malaria prevention tools […]

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We can and must finish the fight against polio

I’ve spent the past two days in Abu Dhabi for the Global Vaccine Summit, a gathering of leaders to highlight the importance of life-saving vaccines to the health of children.  Hosted by His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi; United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; and Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the summit brought together people from across sectors and around the world. The

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Forecast: Storms with a Chance of Hope

Spring has sprung in the Nation’s Capital. The famed cherry blossoms dotted the Tidal Basin and have since fallen. Pollen levels have started to sky rocket. On the West Coast, not a cloud scars the sky as perfect spring temperatures bring out people of all ages to soak in the beauty. What a great moment to celebrate Earth Day (or Mother Earth Day as the UN refers to it). It’s a time to reflect on

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Just Two Drops | unfoundation.org

Just two drops. That’s all the vaccine it takes to save a child from polio – and lifelong debilitation. Now, more than ever, I feel so lucky to have been able to vaccinate my own two boys against polio, and yesterday, I did the same for a 5-month old baby girl in the Gaschiga district of Garoua, Cameroon. I had the honor of representing the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign during the launch ceremony of Cameroon’s

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A new shot at life for Suleiman – and millions of other children worldwide

The kids were lined up three rows deep in 115-degree heat when I arrived yesterday in Bandouki, an isolated village in northern Cameroon. But their mothers, and older sisters in some cases, knew that vaccination day was worth the wait. Among the crowd was a young boy named Suleiman, only a toddler, who waited patiently with his brothers and sisters. There was no way he knew that the two drops of polio vaccine I put

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UNESCO’s fight to promote a truly American value globally: Freedom of speech

Every year on this day, May 3, the international community comes together for World Press Freedom Day. For those of us here in the United States, it’s a day to not only celebrate our constitutionally-protected freedom of speech, but more importantly, to stand up and demand it for all. Because even though we may take it for granted at times, freedom of expression still isn’t a right in far too many places. Just look at

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Calling all global moms | unfoundation.org

On May 8, a unique one-day event is taking place: the Mom+Social conference. Mom+Social is the crowning event of the Global Mom Relay, a 60-day online conversation that has connected moms and experts around the world. Relay participants have shared personal experiences, stories about motherhood, and global causes they care about. The relay is in support of the United Nations’ Every Woman Every Child movement. To date, the relay has proven to be truly “global”

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Mom+Social sweepstakes winner | unfoundation.org

We are excited to announce our winner of the Mom+Social Sweepstakes as part of the Global Mom Relay. Congratulations to Chelsea Kidd winner of two tickets to Mom+Social in New York City. We had a chance to talk to Chelsea about what inspired her to join the Global Mom Relay. How did you learn about the Global Mom Relay?Someone in a Facebook parenting group shared Amanda Peet’s post, and from there I started reading the

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Celebrating global motherhood | unfoundation.org

Yesterday, more than 4,400 people from around the world gathered in person and online to discuss motherhood as part of Mom+Social, the first-ever event focused on motherhood and the role of social media, technology, and philanthropy to improve the health of moms and children everywhere. Some of the brightest and most passionate people working to improve child, maternal, and reproductive health including Carolyn Miles, Christy Turlington Burns, Jennifer Lopez, Lynda Lopez, and Mrs. Ban Soon-taek

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