Citizens Share Their Voices in Advance of the G8

Urgent challenges like poverty, climate change, and disease cross borders and boundaries, affecting us all.  Solving these global problems requires global cooperation — and in today’s connected world, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to expand cooperation beyond governments to include the ideas of people from around the world. The simple truth is that change on the scale that we need can’t just come from the top down; it has to come from the bottom […]

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16-year old Jack Andraka Brings Youth, Ingenuity and Brainpower to mHealth Design

The term “smartphone” first appeared in 1997 – the same year that 16-year-old Jack Andraka was born. Since then, smartphones have spread to cover the globe, with more than 1 billion in use worldwide. As for Andraka, it has taken him only 16 years to become a well-respected researcher and innovator who has most recently turned his attention – and his impressive brainpower – to the field of mobile health. “mHealth is amazing because it’s

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The Digital Transformation of Employee Engagement - employees on a virtual meeting engaged in work.

The Digital Transformation of Employee Engagement :

Remote access control: Employees can securely access their work desktops from anywhere with remote access control tools like Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)  or VPN. These portals boast of superior protection, security, and privacy of intranet resources.  Tools for workplace flexibility If modern-day companies truly want to increase employee experience and enhance workplace retention, providing a hybrid work environment is the least they can do. Providing this flexibility is one of the most sought-after digital transformation

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Restarting the global warming conversation

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said climate change “is a humanitarian issue, a development issue, and an issue of security and stability.” The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is preparing a new assessment of the science of climate change.  These reports will be issued over the next 18 months. But here’s what we know today: A new study says almost every scientific paper on global warming in the last 20 years – 97 percent!

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What You Said to the G8

G8 leaders are gathered in Northern Ireland today to discuss global issues including how to promote economic growth and transparency. In advance of the G8 Summit, the UN Foundation, Mashable, 92nd Street Y, the UN Development Programme, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Ashoka invited you to share ideas about how technology and innovation can address global problems. Throughout the day on June 10, people from 73 countries participated in this dialogue, called “G-Everyone.” 

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Forced to Flee: The Stories behind the Statistics

Today, there are more than 45 million people around the world who have fled their homes due to war or persecution.  Behind this sobering statistic lie the stories of real people – mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, grandparents and infants whose political and social safety nets have suddenly disappeared and who have been forced to leave their homes. Here are their words: It’s a really bad experience to leave your homeland. Where you were

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World Refugee Day: Images & Action

Last year, a person had to flee his or her home due to conflict or persecution every four seconds on average.  Worldwide, more than 45 million people have been forced from their homes – the highest number in nearly two decades. Today is World Refugee Day, and you can help the United Nations Refugee Agency protect and provide for the people around the world whose lives have been uprooted. Help raise awareness and funds by

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The Threat of Climate Change

There’s lots of excitement at Georgetown University today. The President laid out his second-term agenda on climate change. Flanked by members of his Cabinet, President Obama explained why it’s so important to cut the pollution that causes global warming. He made the case that we have a moral obligation to ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit a world that isn’t wrecked by carbon pollution. The President offered common-sense solutions, including a reduction in carbon

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Ending the Silence on Violence Against Women

While the World Health Organization (WHO) just released a report on violence against women, it may not fully capture the adverse effects of violence on a woman’s reproductive health (RH). For example, in a culture in which it is normatively permissible to inflict violence on a partner, it is often normatively alright to extend this violence to non-partners as well, because women in general are seen as somehow deserving of violence. And the other way

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