Inspired by the Past, Motivated by the Future

When Eleanor Roosevelt walked across United Nations Plaza and made a surprise visit to the offices of the American Association for the United Nations in 1953, she did so for a reason. As a principal architect of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, she knew U.S. grassroots support would be key to the success of the UN. She put title and prestige aside, joined the staff of the organization that would later become UNA-USA, and […]

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Honoring a True Champion for Women’s Health and Rights

Women in the U.S. and around the world lost an unwavering champion back in June. Today, the United Nations Foundation and Planned Parenthood Federation of America are honoring the life and legacy of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg with the third annual International Family Planning Hero Award.   The myriad victories from his 30 years in Congress include fighting to maintain funding for UNFPA, which provides health care and services to women in 150 countries;

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UN front and center as U.S. considers new solutions in Syria

Editor’s Note: This post has been updated. There’s been a lot happening in the debate over the response to Syria’s horrific chemical weapons attack, and I wanted to make sure you knew the latest. In last night’s address to the nation, President Obama said: “I’ve spoken to the leaders of two of our closest allies, France and the United Kingdom, and we will work together in consultation with Russia and China to put forward a

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6 Reasons to Care about Measles

Growing up, my parents worried that I would tumble and break my arm or suffocate when I fell asleep in my mashed potatoes (true story); they never had to worry that I would contract measles because we had easy access to vaccines. Many children around the world aren’t as lucky, and as a recent measles outbreak in Texas reminds us, this disease is still very much a threat in the world. Here are six reasons

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Meeting a Real-life Superhero |

My friends often laugh at me when I tell them about my job and the “celebrities” I get to meet. While many of them get star struck meeting celebrities like Lady Gaga or James Marsden, I’m giddy around world leaders and pioneers in international development. Yesterday, I got to meet a legend in the vaccine world – Dr. Samuel Katz. You probably don’t recognize his name, but he’s the reason you (and millions of others)

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What should world leaders talk about next week?

Next week, world leaders are gathering in New York for the start of the United Nations General Assembly. This is a chance to enhance international cooperation on shared development goals ranging from improving health and the environment to promoting gender equality to ending poverty. So what issues should be discussed to advance the development agenda?  What are the pressing challenges and the high-impact solutions? Skoll World Forum, partnering with the United Nations Foundation, Johnson &

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What to Watch during UN General Assembly Week

The buzz next week: international cooperation. World leaders will gather in New York to discuss pressing global issues at the United Nations General Assembly.  At the same time, civil society representatives, UN officials, CEOs, entrepreneurs, development experts, and individuals will come together to discuss how we can work together on challenges including poverty, disease, and environmental degradation. While the conversations may start in New York, they’ll be happening everywhere as citizens gather around kitchen tables

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Your role at the Social Good Summit

Want to join next week’s conversation on global issues, but can’t make it to New York for the start of the United Nations General Assembly? Even if you can’t be there in person, you can be part of the dialogue at the Social Good Summit. From Sunday, September 22 to Tuesday, September 24, some of the world’s top leaders, including several UN officials, former Vice President Al Gore, Melinda Gates, and World Bank President Dr. Jim

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Nova Scotia Spending $100 Million Recruiting Skilled Tradespeople - a row of hard hats on a work table in a construction site.

Nova Scotia Spending $100 Million Recruiting Skilled Tradespeople :

Publié le 20 October 2023 Par Matt Dodge A new announcement that Nova Scotia is spending $100 million recruiting skilled tradespeople means new opportunities for job seekers with the right skills and certifications.  Are you considering a career in the trades? Nova Scotia wants to hire you. The provincial government has announced plans to spend $100 million over the next three years to recruit skilled tradespeople to

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