UN – United Nations

Getting Seriously Silly for a Good Cause

What does donning a red nose have to do with helping children around the world? Thursday, May 26 is Red Nose Day, a campaign dedicated to getting “seriously silly” to raise awareness and funds to help children in need. Red Nose Day has raised over $1 billion globally in the last 25 years – now that is seriously amazing.  Red Nose Day in the United States supports 12 charities including Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, an organization […]

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10 Key Takeaways from the World Humanitarian Summit

“We are one humanity, with a shared responsibility. Let us resolve here and now not only to keep people alive, but to give people a chance at life in dignity.” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon spoke those words to open the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit, which took place May 23-24 and included 9,000 participants from across the world and across sectors. They represented over 170 countries and came from UN agencies, aid organizations, governments, businesses, faith groups,

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A Look at the Events Surrounding the World Humanitarian Summit

“The summit is a way of saying let’s come together, let’s really understand how we can work better”– Stephen O’Brien, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator The World Humanitarian Summit has come to a close in Istanbul. The summit occurred at time in our history when there is a population in need of humanitarian assistance bigger than the number of people living Italy and the UK combined. The summit established a bold agenda—bringing with

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Supporter Spotlight: Meet the People Who Power Our Work

Dr. La Vonne Downey is third from left. Who are the people that power our work helping the United Nations build a safer, healthier, more peaceful world? Meet Dr. La Vonne Downey, an academic in the health field, a Champion for the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign, and the latest participant in our “Supporter Spotlight” series. In this role, she helps the campaign support UN efforts to expand access to global childhood vaccines that protect children

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Let Girls Learn and Think

As the dust of excitement around recent big events like the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda, the signing of the climate change agreement, and the just concluded Women Deliver conference settles a little and we get down to the hard work of making all these exciting goals achievable, I am brought back to the centrality of one particular activity that was very popular a decade and two ago, but now risks becoming just one more thing

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Standing Up for LGBT Rights Around the World

Nearly one year ago, I had the opportunity to march in the San Francisco Pride Parade just after the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic ruling affirming a constitutional right to equal marriage for same-sex couples across the United States, which happened at the same time that the United Nations was celebrating the signing of the UN Charter 70 years earlier in San Francisco. It was a unique moment in my personal and professional life, as I celebrated marriage equality

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4 Key Themes from the World Health Assembly

From May 23-28, the World Health Organization (WHO) convened the 69th World Health Assembly, an annual gathering of ministers of health from 194 countries and experts to assess the state of health around the world and to agree on major priorities for the year. In six days, delegates agreed on 76 agenda items that will lead to a healthier, more prosperous world.   With the adoption last year of two major global agreements – the Sustainable

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3 Reasons Why We Can’t Ignore the Talk about Gender Data

Editor’s Note: This post was co-written by Data2X’s Emily Courey Pryor and Rebecca Furst-Nichols “Data, once the domain of geeks, is being put at the center of women’s rights,” writes Belinda Goldsmith in a recent article about the 2016 Women Deliver conference. Indeed, the attendees of both Women Deliver and the World Humanitarian Summit will attest that the subject of data received prime placement during these gatherings of development and humanitarian aid workers. This increased

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A to Z at the World Health Assembly: Discussions Range from Antimicrobial Resistance to the Zika Virus

The 69th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva demonstrated once again the central role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in global health. Whether one focuses on WHO’s global action plan on antimicrobial resistance or the international response to health emergencies like the Ebola and Zika viruses, there were countless venues for official and unofficial decisions and discussions on every health issue under the sun. One of the unique benefits of discussions during the annual Assembly that

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