UN – United Nations

The Fight for Global LGBT Justice Cannot Wait

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights,” reads Article I of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. While we have made significant progress on human rights over the past 69 years, we will never fully realize these words while millions of people face violence and discrimination because of whom they love. Yesterday, the United Nations Foundation participated in a meeting convened […]

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Global Environmental Outlook 6: Regional Reports Detail New Threats

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) seized the occasion of the second UN Environment Assembly from May 23-27 in Nairobi to launch six regional environmental outlooks – detailed reports that assessed the state of the environment in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Pan Europe (EU, Southeast Europe, and Central Asia), North America (U.S. and Canada), Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia (nominally the Middle East and North Africa). For the first time, regional assessments were developed to establish

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7 Quotes on Climate Change and Health

On July 7-8, the World Health Organization and the government of France will host the Second Global Conference on Health and Climate in Paris to focus on building healthier societies through implementation of the Paris climate agreement. The conference will focus on the connections between health and climate change, and how the public health community can get more involved in the effort to combat climate change. In conjunction with the conference, we are sharing seven quotes on the

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Common Questions on the Sustainable Development Goals: What is the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development?

From July 11-20, the United Nations will host the High-level Forum on Sustainable Development to assess progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 connected goals to address our social, economic, and environmental challenges. Adopted by world leaders at the UN last year, the Sustainable Development Goals are a global to-do list to end extreme poverty, protect the health of the planet, and a create a future where every person lives with opportunity and dignity

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Family Planning 2020: Marking Four Years of Progress

Four years ago on July 11, global leaders from the United Nations, governments, and civil society gathered in London for an historic conference to catalyze action for girls and women. They were driven by the belief that every girl and woman deserves the right to plan if and when to have children; yet many face barriers in accessing the family planning information, services, and supplies they want and need. That’s why more than 20 governments came together

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Must See TV: Choosing the World’s Top Diplomat

Editor’s Note: Miss the town hall with candidates for next UN Secretary-General? You can watch it on YouTube here. As election season heats up in the United States, another important race is also happening: the selection of a new United Nations Secretary-General to take helm on January 1, 2017, following the end of Ban Ki-moon’s second term. On Tuesday, July 12, the President of the United Nations General Assembly, in partnership with Al Jazeera Media

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What the Largest Youth Generation in History Needs and Deserves

Earlier this week, we celebrated the annual World Population Day. It may not be a day on most people’s calendars, but it serves an important purpose: to remind us all that sexual and reproductive health and rights begin with one person, but matter to everyone. We are at a tipping point: 40% of the world’s population (more than 1.8 billion people) are between the ages of 10 and 24, and 90% of these young people

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International AIDS Conference 2016: A Moment for Progress

Next week from July 18-22, thousands of scientists, policymakers, world leaders, and people living with HIV/AIDS will come together in Durban, South Africa for the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) to share learnings and call for action in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Under the theme “Access Equity Rights Now,” next week’s conference will focus on breaking down barriers in accessing treatment and ensuring that everyone –no matter who they are or where they live – can

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12 Inspiring Quotes from Nelson Mandela

Editor’s Note: In honor of Nelson Mandela International Day, we’re re-sharing this blog post from 2013. Every July 18, the United Nations and the world celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day – a day to recognize Mandela’s contributions to freedom, equality, and human rights and to follow his example of service to build a better world. To get inspired, here is a list of 12 amazing quotes from Madiba.  While there are so many words of

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