UN – United Nations

Unlocking the Keys to United Nations History

Did you know that composers like Benjamin Britten and Dmitri Shostakovich wrote music for the UN? Did you know that you can listen to classic UN radio programs online featuring legends of the silver screen such as Audrey Hepburn? Did you know that the oldest organization in today’s UN system is the ITU, which was founded in 1851 to regulate international telegraphy? These are just a few of the many facts that we learned while […]

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Research to Improve Women’s Economic Potential

The benefits of improving women’s economic opportunities are clear: when women control income, they invest it in their families, particularly in the health and education of their children, helping to break cycles of poverty. Women also contribute to the economic growth of their communities. Research from McKinsey shows that since 1970, as women’s greater labor participation took off, their productivity has accounted for a quarter of U.S. GDP. In the developing world, women are estimated

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It only takes one person to make a difference

Wow Uganda, only 48 hours here so far and I’m beyond inspired and humbled by your generous spirit. Today was an important lesson in the success of implementing simple solutions to fix problems on the ground. 90% of Ugandans attend a church or religious ceremony once a week with their families. So how do you get access to children and families? Go to where the people are! UNICEF started Family Health Days recently, bringing health

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Polio, Malaria, Pneumonia…oh my! | unfoundation.org

Five Scary Issues Facing our Planet Tonight in the United States, as the sun sets and the moon rises, children dressed in scary costumes will take over the dark and spooky streets – ghosts, goblins and witches—oh my! Kids in costumes might not scare you – but these facts and figures about our top five scariest issues facing our planet might! See how you can take action on Halloween to create a better (and less

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Supporter Spotlight: Interview with Sarah Gale, Girl Up Teen Advisor

The United Nations Foundation’s Girl Up campaign empowers American teenage girls to raise awareness and funds for United Nations programs that help some of the world’s hardest-to-reach adolescent girls. In September, Girl Up announced its new class of “Teen Advisors,” a group of girls who will mobilize action in their communities and provide advice to Girl Up over the next year.  I recently had the opportunity to speak to Sarah Gale, a Teen Advisor from

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Think Global this Election Day!

This is it – after months of debates, television ads and political rallies – Americans will exercise their democratic right to vote today. From Asia to Europe, the whole world is watching to see who will be elected the next President of the United States of America. I hope you will join me and millions of Americans today in not only voting, but thinking global when you go to the polls. According to the Better

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One Disease. Two Solutions. Three Ways You Can Help.

ONE Disease: Pneumonia. You probably know it as a spelling-bee challenge and respiratory illness that can make you very sick. Millions of people in the US are affected each year by pneumonia, but did you know that it is one of the leading killers of children under the age of 5 around the world? Few people know the dramatic impact pneumonia has on children growing up in the poorest countries. TWO Solutions: The United Nations

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Do Your Part On Malala Day

Last month, we were devastated at the tragedy that 15 year-old Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai suffered when she was shot near her school. November 10 has been designated by United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, as Malala Day, a day to celebrate a vision of a world in which every child can to go to school, learn and be a global citizen, and an opportunity to make that vision come true. Supporters

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What’s Up With the Weather? 24 Hours of Climate Reality Kicks Off Tonight!

Overheard on post-Hurricane Sandy news reports, a New Jersey resident noted, “I’ve experienced three ‘once-in-a-hundred-years’ storms in the last 18 months!”  Something is up. Dirty Energy pollution is heating up our climate, and we end up with Dirty Weather. Climate disruption affects us all, and it will take all of us together to solve it. Today, The Climate Reality Project, an initiative of former Vice President and Nobel Laureate Al Gore, is launching its second

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