UN – United Nations

Global Entrepreneurs Council Come to Washington, D.C.

Recently, some of America’s top entrepreneurs gathered at the United Nations Foundation to learn more about what we do and to help us inject innovation into our work helping the U.N. solve the world’s biggest problems like disease, poverty, climate change and gender discrimination. These innovators are part of the Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council (GEC) – a group of leaders dedicated to bringing new ideas and fresh thinking to our efforts. The members of 2013-2014 […]

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How $27 changed the world

Today, UN Foundation Board member Muhammad Yunus is at the U.S. Capitol to receive the highest honor Congress can give an individual person: a Congressional Gold Medal. Only 153 Congressional Gold Medals have been awarded since their establishment in 1776. In receiving one, Professor Yunus joins the ranks of George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr., Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and other trailblazers whose ideas and actions have benefited humanity in revolutionary ways. Professor Yunus

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Protecting the Planet and Improving Women’s Health

Every Earth Day, I’m reminded of the proverb, “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” To build a better world for future generations, we have to protect the environment.  At the same time, a better world requires us to do something about the billions of people who don’t have reliable access to electricity. Electricity is especially important for health care facilities – it provides light, powers medical

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Celebrating World Immunization Week from Abu Dhabi to Cameroon

Greetings from Abu Dhabi! I just arrived for the Global Vaccine Summit, hosted by Bill Gates, His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and – aside from the heat – I’m ecstatic to be here. Over the next two days, we’ll be discussing the progress that’s already been made on immunizing children against polio and other deadly diseases and what still needs to be done to

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Be part of something big

We want you to be a part of something big. Here is your chance. Today, humanitarians and health experts are gathering in Abu Dhabi for the first-ever Global Vaccines Summit. We already know that vaccines work, now let’s help make sure every child has a healthy shot at life by telling world leaders that increasing access to global vaccines is important to us. Show your support by sending a birthday message to Shot@Life. Download and

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Twenty million reasons to keep up momentum on global immunizations

In the past two decades, immunization efforts have averted an estimated 20 million deaths globally. Yet, for all the progress that has been made–thanks largely to a sustained investment from the United States, the United Nations, other governments, and private partnerships–a great need remains. Last year, well over 20 million infants did not receive vaccinations that would protect them from devastating yet entirely preventable diseases like polio and measles. We know the consequences: They are

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Let’s get this party started

Shot@Life officially launched one year ago during World Immunization Week! This year, bloggers from across the country are joining in the celebration by sharing stories of Shot@Life Champions and the work they are doing to help children around the world get a shot at a healthy life. Kicking off our 3-day birthday bash today, we’re inviting everyone to celebrate with us! Whether you’re a blogger, just learning about Shot@Life, or a longtime champion of global

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A Critical Moment in the Fight Against Malaria

This World Malaria Day, we need your help more than ever. Since 2006, Nothing But Nets has created the world’s largest grassroots network dedicated to keeping families in sub-Saharan Africa safe from malaria. The campaign has inspired hundreds of thousands of people to send nets and save lives from malaria, a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. Nothing But Nets supporters have made a significant difference. Greater availability and use of malaria prevention tools

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We can and must finish the fight against polio

I’ve spent the past two days in Abu Dhabi for the Global Vaccine Summit, a gathering of leaders to highlight the importance of life-saving vaccines to the health of children.  Hosted by His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi; United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; and Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the summit brought together people from across sectors and around the world. The

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